Effective Date: November 1, 2010 (revised)
The College maintains various insurance policies to protect individuals who are sued in their capacity as employees of Trinity College.?
Indemnification is provided when it is clear that the actions fall within the scope of coverage of the insurance policies, that they occurred within the scope of the individual’s responsibility as a member of the Trinity College faculty or administrative staff, and that the employee at all times was acting in good faith consistent with the best interest of the College.? Legal Counsel is arranged through the insurance company, in consultation with the College administration. If coverage is not available under a College insurance policy, the College may assume responsibility for legal representation.? In such cases the administration also must conclude that actions complained of occurred within the scope of the employee’s employment responsibilities and that the employee at all times was acting in good faith consistent with the best interest of the College.
In both instances the College reserves the right to select legal counsel and to approve the course of action to be taken in order to ensure payment of all legal expenses and any monetary judgments rendered against the employee.?
The College pays the full premium for third-party liability insurance.
Termination of Coverage
Coverage ends on the date employment terminates.
See the following policies for further relevant information:
4.05 Termination of Employment 62
5.01 Confidentiality 94
5.02 Conflict of Interest 97
5.03 Conflict of Commitment 101