Effective Date: September 1, 2013 (revised)
The performance evaluation process is an opportunity for an employee and his/her supervisor to formally communicate about job performance, to establish mutual objectives for the future and to discuss duties and responsibilities. This policy outlines the steps involved in evaluation of employee job performance.
Every employee who has successfully completed his or her probationary period will be evaluated on an annual basis. The Employee Self Evaluation and Performance Evaluation forms document beginning-of-the-year expectations, the mid-year discussion and the year-end over-all performance. These forms include the following areas:
Goals, Objectives and Plans for Review Period
This documents expectations regarding an employee’s performance for the year. An employee and his/her supervisor develop these together, either at the end of the previous review period in conjunction with the Performance Evaluation, or at the beginning of the review period.
Mid-Year Discussion
This section is used to evaluate mid-year performance and modify anything that may have changed in the goals and objectives, if necessary. For example, modifications may be necessary if there is a change in the scope of the job or in the working environment that results in a change to job responsibilities or annual goals. Both the employee and supervisor should agree on any modifications made. While it is not required that the substance of the discussion be documented, the discussion itself and sign-off by both the employee and the supervisor are required.
Year-End Evaluation
Employee Self Evaluation
Every employee is strongly encouraged - but not required - to complete a Self Evaluation as part of the Performance Management Process. This provides an opportunity for the employee to document his or her accomplishments, note challenges to effective performance, and provide feedback to the supervisor.
Performance Evaluation
The supervisor completes the Performance Evaluation at the end of the period, then meets with the employee to discuss the evaluation. Once complete and signed by the employee and supervisor, the document is either sent for further signatures - in accordance with department or division policy - and finally to Human Resources, where it will become a permanent part of the employee’s file.
No later than October 31: Mid-year Discussion conducted
No later than April 30: Performance Evaluation completed, signed form submitted to Human Resources
Other Considerations
There may be situations when it is not possible to strictly adhere to this policy. Under such circumstances, Human Resources should be consulted to work out a reasonable alternative. It is not acceptable for a continuing employee to be without an annual performance review.
Multiple supervisors: Depending on the nature of the jobs, an employee may have separate evaluations completed by the different supervisors, or the supervisors may collaborate on a single Performance Evaluation. Whatever the case, all aspects of an employee’s job(s) should be evaluated.
An employee who disagrees with aspects of a performance evaluation may submit a written statement explaining his or her position. This statement will be maintained as part of the employee’s personnel file and will accompany any transmittal or disclosure from the file.
See the following policies for additional relevant information:
4.12 Personnel Records Access85
5.50 Performance Management 134