Ph.D., Michigan State Univ.
M.A., Univ. of Minnesota
B.A., Macalester College
Rachel Lockart is a white settler scholar whose work draws on and contributes to the fields of teacher education, comparative and international education, theories of de/coloniality, critical policy analysis, and critical approaches to the anthropology of education. In her interdisciplinary research, she utilizes critical ethnographic and other qualitative methods, critical discourse analysis, and narrative analysis. Her research explores how teacher recruitment, education, and employment policies in Senegal sustain coloniality, as well as how some educators disrupt, refuse, or resist coloniality.
As an educator, Dr. Lockart is most passionate about teaching classes that support students in questioning their own schooling experiences – past, present, and future – and making connections to the policies, narratives, and dispositions that shaped them. She has worked as a tutor coordinator in the St. Paul Public Schools (MN); a secondary teacher and teacher educator in Cameroon; an education abroad advisor at the University of Illinois and Macalester College; and a teacher educator and grants/fellowships advisor at Michigan State University (MSU). She holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education from MSU, an M.A. in Educational Policy and Administration from the University of Minnesota, and a B.A. in Anthropology from Macalester College.
Social contexts of education
Education policy
White supremacy and coloniality in education
Comparative and global education
Analyzing Schools & Lab
Education Reform: Past and Present
Race, Class, and Educational Policy
Education and Social Change Across the Globe
De/coloniality in education
Teacher education
Global education governance and policy
Critical policy analysis
Critical and decolonizing qualitative research methods
- Lockart, R. (April 14, 2024). Tracing and remembering connectivities: Coloniality and elementary teacher recruitment in Senegal. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Reed, J., Lockart, R., Inyang, U. (April 13, 2024). Re)storying the continuing present: Homeplace, hacking, and colonial jackets. In Furman, O., Inyang, U., Lockart, R., Allweiss, A., Ampofo, Y., Kiiru, H., Peña-Pincheira, R., Reed, J., Dyer, U. Decoloniality Dialogues Collective: (Re)storying, (re)membering, and (re)visioning spirals for decolonial possibilities [Symposium]. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Lockart, R. (March 13, 2024). Concerning teacher recruitment: Coloniality and elementary teacher recruitment in Senegal. Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society. Miami, FL, USA.
- Lockart, R. (Nov. 9, 2023). “Trying your luck”: Restorying teacher recruitment policies in Senegal. In Chong, K. L., Hadeer, R., Lockart, R., Peña-Pincheira, R. S., Allweiss, A. C., Park, E. Educational tales, tails, and talking back to coloniality: Curriculum, policy, and literature as educational sites [Symposium]. American Educational Studies Association 2022 Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, USA.
- Lockart, R. & Majee, U. (April 16, 2023). Decoloniality Dialogues: Nurturing decolonial possibilities through community. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL, USA.
- Majee, U., Lockart, R., Webster, N., Bartzis, O. L., Allegra, A., Msoka, C. T. (March 25, 2022). Engaging the contradictions of decolonial pedagogies and practices within development studies. Innovative Practices and Pedagogies for Teaching Undergraduate International Development Studies Workshop. Virtual.
- McHolme, L., Evalt, S., Lockart, R., Peña-Pincheira, R., Apol, L. (Dec. 2, 2020). Globalizing an undergraduate children’s literature course: Texts, stances, questions. Annual Conference of the Literacy Research Association. Virtual.
- Dissertation Completion Fellowship, College of Education, Michigan State University, 2024.
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, U.S. Dept. of Education, 2020.
- Dissertation Development Fellowship, Dept. of Teacher Education, College of Education, Michigan State University, 2019, 2020.
- Summer Research Fellowship, College of Education, Michigan State University, 2018.
- Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Wolof, U.S. Dept. of Education, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
- University Distinguished Fellowship, The Graduate School, Michigan State University, 2016-2021.
Grants & Awards:
- Research Enhancement Award, The Graduate School, Michigan State University, 2023.
- Creating Inclusive Excellence Grant (CIEG), Michigan State University, 2021.
- Note: Awarded to Decoloniality Dialogues Collective with additional funding from Michigan State University’s African Studies Center and University of Wisconsin-Madison’s African Studies Program.
- Gliozzo Overseas Dissertation Research Scholarship Award, International Studies & Programs, Michigan State University, 2019.