M.A., Univ. of Wisconsin
M.A., Univ. of Michigan
B.A., Univ. of Maryland
Khrysta A. Evans is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Educational Policy Studies program with a Social Sciences concentration and a minor in Gender and Women's Studies. Situated in sociology of education, Black studies, gender and women’s studies, and cultural geography, Khrysta's teaching, research, and mentoring are all concerned with how race, ethnicity, gender, and place shape students’ educational experiences, with specific attention to how Black girls develop and employ spatial strategies and social networks to navigate their schools. Using Black feminist geographies to animate her scholarship, Khrysta’s research (1) attends to the influence of ethnicity in Black girls racialized and gendered socialization within schools; (2) interrogates the role of peer groups in Black girls’ schooling; and (3) explores how the relationship between Black girls’ spatial strategies and their schools’ organizational routines differs across organizational contexts.
Gender and Education
Sociology of Education
Race, Ethnicity, and Education
Space, Place and Education
Black girls’ school experiences
Black geographies
Race, place, ethnicity, and gender in education
Race and gender in education
Schools’ organizational routines
Peer Reviewed Articles:
- Butler-Barnes, S., Evans, K. A., Leath, S., Burnett, M., & Inniss-Thompson, M.N. (2023). Creating Black girl space in St. Louis: Revisiting and reclaiming Black girl voice in the classroom. Peabody Journal of Education. 98(2,) 165-184. https://doi.org/10.1080/0161956X.2023.2191565
- Leath, S., Mims, L., Evans, K. A., Parker, T. A., & Billingsley, J. T. (2022). “I can be unapologetically who I am”: A study of friendship among Black undergraduate women at PWIs. Emerging Adulthood. 0(0), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1177/21676968211066156
- Leath, S., Pfister, T., Ball, P., Butler-Barnes, S., Evans, K.A. (2021). A qualitative exploration of school racial diversity, friendship choices, and Black women’s identity-based experiences in high school. Journal of School Psychology, 89(July 2020), 34–50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsp.2021.09.006
Book Chapters:
Evans, K.A. (In Press). Black women in community-based educational spaces protecting homeplace for Black girls. In E. Ohito, S. Deckman, A. Smith & L. Mock Muñoz de Luna (Eds.) Thinking Spatially About Black Girlhoods: Researching the Significance of Home, Place, and Space in Black Girls’ Education. AERA Books.
Book Reviews:
Conference Proceedings:
- “Geographies of Black Girls Living: A theoretical framework to understand Black girls’ spatial practices within schools”. Paper presented at the Black Geographies Graduate Student Conference, Berkeley, CA. 2023.
- “Black Girls’ School Based Navigational Tools”. Paper presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL. 2023.
- “Understanding Black Women's Motivations for Creating Black Girl Spaces”. Paper presented at the Narrating Black Girl Space and Womanhood Roundtable at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego, CA. 2022.
- “Black Women in Community-Based Educational Spaces Preserving Black Girl Space.” Paper presented at the 2021 Locating the Geographies of Black Girlhoods in Education Research conference sponsored by the American Education Research Association, virtual. 2021.
- “Where Black Girls Bloom: An Exploration of Youth Workers Creating Black Girl Spaces” at University of Wisconsin-Madison Sociology of Gender Workshop. 2020.
- AAUW American Dissertation Fellowship, $25,000, 2024.
- John and Elizabeth Phillips Dissertation Year Fellowship, Tuition + $23,500, 2023.
- UW-Madison Kemper Knapp University Fellowship, Tuition + $27,500, 2019-2020.
- UW-Madison Advanced Opportunity Fellowship, Tuition + $27,500, 2019, 2023.
- University of Michigan Rackham Master’s Award, Tuition + $16,000, 2011.
Grants and Scholarships:
- UW-Madison John Palmer Award, $3,000, 2024.
- AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship Travel Award, $1,500, 2023.
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Student Research Grants Competition, $1,500, 2023.
- University of Michigan ICPSR Diversity Scholarship, Tuition + $500, 2023.