Ph.D., Univ. N. Carolina Chapel Hill
M.A., Univ. N. Carolina Chapel Hill
B.A., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
James Truman received his PhD in English from UNC-Chapel Hill. He has been teaching composition and literature for over 20 years, including classes on historical linguistics, business writing, and writing center theory, as well as courses on Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Milton. Most recently, he comes from Auburn University where he was Assistant Director of University Writing from 2013 to 2019, with primary responsibility for running the Miller Writing Center. As part of a university-wide writing initiative, he worked with students and faculty to enhance the culture of writing and writing instruction across campus. He enjoys spending time with his family, which includes one small dog and a cat. He also plays old-time fiddle, which annoys the cat.
Early Modern English Literature
Writing Across the Curriculum
Writing Center Studies
Postmodern Critical Theory
Reading Science Fiction: The Improbable Made Possible
Young Adult Literature
The End of the World: The Apocalypse in Contemporary Culture
How Writing Works
College Writing
Research and Writing
Writing Theories and Practices
Early Modern English Literature
Writing Across the Curriculum
Writing Center Studies
Postmodern Critical Theory
- “Embrace the Messiness: Libraries, Writing Centers, and Encouraging Research as Inquiry Across the Curriculum,” with Jaena Alabi, Bridget Farrell, and Jennifer Price Mahoney, in Diverse Approaches to Teaching, Learning, and Writing Across the Curriculum: IWAC at 25. ed. Bartlett, Tarabochia, Olinger, and Marshall, 209-223. WAC Clearinghouse, 2020.
- “On Brand: Communication Center Tutors as Social Media Content Creators." Communication Center Journal 5.1 (2019): 134-143.
- “Professional Identity and Social Media: Consulting Personal Branding Projects.” In Multimodal Composing: Strategies for Twenty-First-Century Writing Consultations, ed. Lindsay Sabatino and Brian Fallon, 182-195. Utah State University Press, 2019.
- “Anne Askew,” in A Biographical Encyclopaedia of Early Modern Englishwomen: Exemplary Lives and Memorable Acts, 1500-1650, ed. Carole Levin, Anna Riehl Bertolet, and J.E. Carney. Routledge, 2016.
- “The Body in Pain in Early Modern England.” Early Modern Literary Studies 14.3 (2009): 1-37.
- “John Foxe and the Desires of Reformation Martyrology.” English Literary History 70 (2003): 35-66.
Recent Presentations:
- “Performing Translanguaging in the Writing Center: Pedagogical and Practical Dilemmas,” with Jonathan Hall (York College—CUNY) and Scott Chiu (California Lutheran College), Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Pittsburg, PA, March 2019
- “Responding, Not Reacting: Empowering Our Peer Tutoring and Writing Center Student Employees to Respond Proactively to Challenging Client Behaviors,” with Tamara Miller-Bowden, National College Learning Center Association (NCLCA), Niagara Falls, NY, Oct. 2018
- “So . . . What Are We Gonna Do at the Staff Meeting? Bridging Distance and Building Community with Course Design Strategies and Active Learning Pedagogies,” workshop with Anshu Shrestha, Southeastern Writing Center Association-Alabama (SWCA-AL) Colloquium, Dothan, AL, Sept. 2018
- “Embrace the Messiness: Libraries, Writing Centers, and Encouraging Research as Inquiry Across the Curriculum,” with Jaena Alabi, Toni Carter, Bridget Farrell, and Jennifer Mahoney, International Writing Across the Curriculum (IWAC) Conference, Auburn, AL, June 2018
- “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Write: Resistance, Positive Energy, and Progressive Vision(s),” with Erin Chandler, Mathew Kemp, and Randall Sessler, Southeastern Writing Center Association (SWCA) Conference, Richmond, VA, Feb. 2018
- “Universal Design and Building a Writing Center for All: Theory/Collaboration/Technology,” National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing (NCPTW), Hofstra University, Oct. 2017
- “Maintaining a Culture of Resistance at the Writing Center: Communicating and Acting on Fundamental Principles,” Keynote Address, SWCA-AL Colloquium, Montevallo, AL, Sept. 2017
- “Different Paths to the Mountaintop: Crossing Organizational Divides to Sustain Partnerships,” with Bridgett Farrell, Jaena Alabi, and Jennifer Price Mahoney, Association of College and Research Librarians (ACRL), Baltimore, MD, March 2017
- “Growing Pains: Maintaining a Writing Center’s ‘Learning Culture’ with Cross-Disciplinary Approaches,” with Katie Kirk, Dianna Gould, and Shounak Datta, SWCA, Oxford, MS, Feb. 2017
- “Building Professional Development to Sustain the Conversation, or How Do We Get Everyone to Come to the Meetings?” with Phineas Dowling, David Vison, Anshu Shrestha, and Rebecca Koch, SWCA, Oxford, MS, Feb. 2017
- “Using ePortfolios to Synthesize Experiences and Craft a Digital Identity,” with Ashlee Duffy and Heather Stuart, National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2016
- “Sustaining the Matrix: Designing Professional Development Curriculum to Support Diversity,” with Phineas Dowling, SWCA-AL Colloquium, AU-Montgomery, Sept. 2016
- “Partnering to Support Linguistic Diversity: Writing Centers and Foreign Language Departments,” NCPTW, Tacoma, WA, Nov. 2016
- “Developing Multilingual Writing Support: A Department of Foreign Languages and a Writing Center Partner to Write Across Difference,” with Jana Gutierrez and Yuxin Sun, IWAC, Ann Arbor, MI, July 2016
- “All Together Now: Creating Inclusive Mindsets through Tutoring Training and Development Opportunities,” with Emily Cosgrove and Susan Barganier, SWCA, Columbus, GA, Feb. 2016
- “Engaging Diverse Student and Institutional Needs: Maintaining Effective Partnerships between Libraries and Writing Centers,” with Bridget Farrell, SWCA, Columbus, GA, Feb. 2016
- Teaching Innovation Prize, Trinity College, 2024
- Gary A. Olson Scholarship, Southeast Writing Center Association, 2014
- Winn and Gordon Chappell Academic Enrichment Award, Huntingdon College, 2012
- Instructional Excellence Award: Promotion of Excellence in Teaching and Learning Committee, College of Liberal Arts, Auburn University, 2005
- Instructor Teaching Award: Department of English, Auburn University, 2005
- Howell-Voitle Dissertation Award for the Outstanding Graduate Student Writing a Dissertation in Renaissance Studies, Dept. of English, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1998
- Earl Hartsell Award for Excellence in Teaching Composition, Dept. of English, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1997