Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst
M.A., Bowling Green State Univ.
B.A., Univ. of Minnesota, Mankato
Jason Doerre has taught German language and culture at Trinity College since 2013. His broad teaching and research interests span German and Austrian culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries including film studies. He received his PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he worked for the DEFA Film Library handling archival prints and subtitling DVD productions. Additionally, he has been the recipient of several national awards such as a Fulbright Teaching Assistantship and a Fulbright Research Grant to the German Literature Archive. He has most recently published on turn-of-the-century German literature, Weimar Cinema, war and cinema, and documentary film.
As someone who has spent significant time in Germany and Austria, he brings a high level of enthusiasm for teaching the German language and culture, and is firmly convinced that there is no better path to becoming an educated worldly individual than studying another language and culture.
German Film Studies
German and Austrian Literature from the Long Nineteenth Century to the Present
German Civilization
GDR Culture
Second Language Acquisition
Modern European History
Nineteenth Century German Thought
Intensive Elementary German I
Intensive Elementary German II
Intermediate German II
Berlin to Hollywood
The Latest German Cinema - The New German and Austrian Film since 2000
Propaganda on the Big Screen: The Propaganda Film throughout History
German Literature and Film Since 1945
German Crime Stories
Germany and the Great War: Destruction, Myths, and Legacy
The Postwar German Film
Inside the Third Reich: Culture, Politics, and the Everyday in Nazi Germany
Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century German and Austrian Culture
German Film History
East German Culture
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century German Thought
Film Studies
- “Staging the New Reichshauptstadt or Berlin Encounters Modernity in Hermann Sudermann’s Die Ehre (1889).” German Studies Review 43.1, 2020.
- “The Reverberations of War: Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front and the Cinema of Stanley Kubrick.” (Forthcoming, Berghahn Books)
- “On the Rubble of History: Searching for the German Past in a European Present in Andreas Voigt’s Ostpreußenland and Volker Koepp’s Kalte Heimat.” (Forthcoming, Berghahn Books)
- “Layers of Exposure: The Photographic Nature of Gerhart Lamprecht’s Die Verrufenen.” (Berghahn Books, 2022)
- “Naturalism and the Unnatural: Leopold Jessner and Paul Leni’s Hintertreppe (1921).” In The Films of Paul Leni. Eds. Erica Tortolani and Martin Norden. (Edinburgh University Press, 2021)
Conference Presentations:
- “Rudolf Mosse and the Liberal Bourgeoisie.” Paper presented and the German Studies Association Conference. Houston, TX. 2022.
- “In the Rubble of History: in Search of the German Past in Andreas Voigt’s Ostpreußenland and Volker Koepp’s Kalte Heimat.” Paper presented at the German Studies Association Conference. Portland, OR. 2019
- “Traumatic Returns: The Heimkehr Motif in Weimar Cinema.” Paper presented at the German Studies Association Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. 2018.
- Berlin’s Literary Institutions Summer Seminar Fellow, 2023.
- Holocaust Educational Foundation at Northwestern University Summer Institute Fellow, 2022.
- Fulbright Doctoral Fellowship, 2011-2012.
- Archival Summer Seminar in Germany Grantee, German Historical Institute, 2011.
- Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, 2004-2005.