Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
B.A., Marquette Univ.
Dr. Dario A. Euraque (b. 1959, Tegucigalpa, Honduras) has taught at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut since 1990, when he received his Ph.D. in Latin American and Caribbean history from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Dr. Euraque has published articles and reviews in many academic journals in the U.S., Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. His early work focused on the economic and social history of Honduras. His books are: Reinterpreting the "Banana Republic": Region and State in Honduras, 1870s-1972 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996, Spanish editions in 1996 and 2001); Estado, Poder, Nacionalidad y Raza en la Historia de Honduras: Ensayos (Tegucigalpa: Ediciones Subirana, 1996); Conversaciones Históricas con el Mestizaje en Honduras y su Identidad Nacional (San Pedro Sula: Centro Editorial, 2004); El golpe de Estado del 28 de junio del 2009, el Patrimonio Cultural y la Identidad Nacional de Honduras (San Pedro Sula: Centro Editorial, 2010); Historiografía de Honduras (Tegucigalpa: Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, 2009), and with Yesenia Martinez, La Diáspora Africana en los programas educativos de Centroamérica (Tegucigalpa: Editorial Guaymuras, 2013). An edition in English, entitled The African Diaspora in the Educational Programs of Central America, was published in 2016 by the Harriet Tubman Institute at York University and Africa World Press. His most recent book is a biography of a Honduran banana planter and his relationship with the Honduran political system in the twentieth century: Un hondureño ante la Modernidad de su País: la Vida de Rafael Lopez Padilla (1875-1963) (A Honduran and the Modernity of his Country: the Life and Times of Rafael Lopez Padilla), Volume 1 (Tegucigalpa: Editorial Guaymuras, September, 2022). He is currently writing Volume 2 of that biography, and in July 2024 published, Historia Viva de Santiago Cicumba (A Living History of Santiago Cicumba), also with Editorial Guaymuras in Tegucigalpa. Thereafter, he will write a biography of Armando Mendez Fuentes (1925-2003), a Honduran gay poet, essayist, and critic.
Central American Immigration to the US: History and Contemporary Situation
Understanding the History, Culture and Politics of Latin America & the Caribbean
Caribbean History
Biography as History
Modern Mexico, Historical Origins
Understanding the History, Culture and Politics of Latin America & the Caribbean