Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania
M.A., Univ. of New Mexico
Maîtrise ès lettres, Univ. of Paris II
Licence ès lettres, Univ. of Paris II
Jean-Marc Kehrès (Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania) specializes in 18th-century literature. He has taught at the University of Oklahoma and Princeton University. His publications include articles on Marivaux, the Encyclopédie, the press during the French Revolution and Sade. He is the author of Sade et la rhétorique de l'exemplarité (Editions Champion, 2001). He is currently working on a book project on the representation of epistolarity in the press of the Ancien Régime. At Trinity, Jean-Marc Kehrès has taught courses on the Enlightenment and the representation of the 18th century in Films.
The Enlightenement
The representation of the 18th century in films
Sade, Exemplarity, Epistolarity, The press of the Ancien Régime and the Revolution.
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc. Sade et la rhétorique de l'exemplarité . Paris: Champion, 2001. Reviewed in Dix-Huitième Siècle, no. 34 (2002); Eighteenth-Century Fiction 16, no. 1 (2003); and French Studies 58, no. 2 (April 2004).
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc. “Diderot’s Conversation with a Christian Lady: The Philosophe as Spiritual Adviser.” In Secularism and the Enlightenment, edited by Chris Nadon (accepted).
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc. "De l'usage politique de l'épistolarité: Madame de Genlis et l'éducation de Marianne dans La Feuille villageoise (1790)." Symposium (forthcoming).
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“Warfare Technique in the Encyclopédie: Contingency and the Travails of Theory.” Australian Journal of French Studies (forthcoming).
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“National Genius and Universal Sociability: The Relevance of the Enlightenment Today.” In Hexagonal Variations: Diversity, Plurality and Reinvention in Contemporary France, Faux Titre 359, edited by Jo McCormack, Murray Pratt and Alistair Rolls. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2011.
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“Travestissement discursif et discours utopique: Marivaux et les digressions de Marianne.” French Forum 33, no. 3 (Fall 2008).
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“Courrier des lecteurs et idéologie de la domesticité dans le Journal Gratuit (1790).” In Individu et autorité : Positions de la presse des Lumières, edited by Gunter Volz. Nantes: CRINI, 2004.
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“Les leçons de morale expérimentale de Sade: Justine et l'exemplarité.” In Être matérialiste à l'âge des Lumières, edited by Béatrice Fink, Gehrardt Stenger. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1999.
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“Le Corps ouvrier dans Germinal: transparence et opacité de la représentation naturaliste zolienne.” In Corps/décors: Métaphores, Parodies, Orgies, edited by Catherine Nesci, Gerald Prince and Gretchen Van Slyke. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999.
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“Libertine Anatomies: Figures of Monstrosity in Sade's Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu.” Eighteenth-Century Life 21, no. 2 (1997).
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“Justine or the Impossible Assomption.” Genre XXIX Winter, 4 (1996).
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc. Translation: Taylor, Kenneth L. “La genèse d'un naturaliste: Desmarest, la lecture, la nature.” In De la géologie à son histoire: essais présentés à François Ellenberger pour son 80ème anniversaire: Paris, Comité des Travaux Historiques et scientifiques, edited by Théodore Monod, Gabriel Gohau, and Goulven Laurent, 1997.
Conference Papers, Panels and Invited Lectures
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc. Chair of “Sympathy and Satire.” Annual Conference of the East-Central American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Pittsburgh, November 4-6, 2010.
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc. “WarfareTechnique in the Encyclopédie: Contingency and the Travails of Theory.” XVIIth Annual Conference of the Australian Society for French Studies. University of Queensland, Brisbane, July 15-17, 2009.
- Kehrès, Jean-Marc.“Épistolarité et pédagogie: Madame de Genlis.” Annual Meeting of the South-East American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Winthrop University, Charlotte, N.C., March 5-7, 2009.