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Course Listing for ITALIAN STUDIES - Spring 2025 (ALL: 01/21/2025 - 05/09/2025)
Course ID Title Credits Type Instructor(s) Days:Times Location Permission
Dist Qtr
1042 ITAL-101-01 Elementary Italian I 1.00 LEC Del Puppo,Dario MWF: 10:00AM-10:50AM TBA HUM  
  Enrollment limited to 19 Waitlist available: Y Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  NOTE: Students who studied Italian for three or more years in high school may not enroll in ITAL 101.
  NOTE: 10 seats reserved for first year students.
  Designed to develop a basic ability to read, write, understand, and speak Italian. Since all linguistic skills cannot be fully developed in 101 alone, stress will be placed on the acquisition of basic structures, which it will the function of 102 to develop and reinforce. Students who wish to acquire significant proficiency should therefore plan to take 101 and 102 in sequence. Other than beginning students must have permission of instructor to enroll.
2157 ITAL-101-02 Elementary Italian I 1.00 LEC Del Puppo,Dario MWF: 11:00AM-11:50AM TBA HUM  
  Enrollment limited to 19 Waitlist available: Y Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  NOTE: Students who studied Italian for three or more years in high school may not enroll in ITAL 101.
  NOTE: 10 seats reserved for first year students.
  Designed to develop a basic ability to read, write, understand, and speak Italian. Since all linguistic skills cannot be fully developed in 101 alone, stress will be placed on the acquisition of basic structures, which it will the function of 102 to develop and reinforce. Students who wish to acquire significant proficiency should therefore plan to take 101 and 102 in sequence. Other than beginning students must have permission of instructor to enroll.
1043 ITAL-102-01 Elementary Italian II 1.00 LEC Di Florio,Martina MWF: 10:00AM-10:50AM TBA HUM  
  Enrollment limited to 19 Waitlist available: Y Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  Prerequisite: C- or better in Italian 101 or equivalent.
  NOTE: 10 seats reserved for first year students, 3 for sophomores.
  Continuation of 101, emphasizing oral practice, consolidation of basic grammar skills, compositions and reading comprehension.
2104 ITAL-102-02 Elementary Italian II 1.00 LEC Di Florio,Martina MWF: 11:00AM-11:50AM TBA HUM  
  Enrollment limited to 19 Waitlist available: Y Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  Prerequisite: C- or better in Italian 101 or equivalent.
  NOTE: 10 seats reserved for first year students, 7 for sophomores.
  Continuation of 101, emphasizing oral practice, consolidation of basic grammar skills, compositions and reading comprehension.
2779 ITAL-201-01 Inter Ital I:Conv & Comp 1.00 LEC Del Puppo,Dario MWF: 12:00PM-12:50PM TBA HUM  
  Enrollment limited to 19 Waitlist available: N Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  Prerequisite: C- or better in Italian 102 or equivalent.
  A review of basic grammar learned in the first-year intensive Italian courses (101 and 102) is integrated with oral and writing practice on topics intended to introduce students to contemporary Italian culture. There will be readings of short stories, newspaper, and magazine articles, viewings of film and video presentations, and weekly compositions and other writing assignments. In order to achieve competence in Italian, students should plan to take 201 and 202 in sequence.
2236 ITAL-202-01 Inter Ital II:Comp & Lit 1.00 LEC Di Florio,Martina MWF: 12:00PM-12:50PM TBA GLB2  
  Enrollment limited to 19 Waitlist available: Y Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  Prerequisite: C- or better in Italian 201 or equivalent.
  The review of grammar begun in Italian 201 will be completed in this course. Students’ oral and writing skills will be enhanced by further exploration of aspects of Italian culture, through a variety of texts and media. While emphasizing students’ communication skills, this course aims to provide them with the basis for linguistic competence in Italian.
2211 ITAL-290-01 Italian Cinema 1.00 LEC King,Joshua T: 1:30PM-4:10PM TBA Y GLB2  
  Enrollment limited to 9 Waitlist available: Y Mode of Instruction: In Person  
    Cross-listing: LACS-290-01
  NOTE: Seat Reservations: 5 for freshmen, 5 for sophomores and 5 for juniors across ITAL and LACS.
  Seminar on Italian cinema from neorealism to the present. The course will cover both formal and thematic movements in postwar Italian cinema, as well as the historical, political, social, and aesthetic contexts in which filmmakers are working. Film screenings will be in Italian with English subtitles. Discussions and coursework will be in English and will include students shooting and presenting their own short sequences imitating the work of Italian filmmakers. Students wishing to apply this course toward the major in Italian must secure permission of the instructor and do supplementary work in Italian.
2377 ITAL-314-01 Contemporary Italian Lit 1.00 LEC King,Joshua MW: 1:30PM-2:45PM TBA GLB2  
  Enrollment limited to 15 Waitlist available: N Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  A critical reading of selected novels, short stories, poetry, and plays from the turn of the 20th century to the present. Authors include: Pirandello, Svevo, Aleramo, Montale, Ungaretti, Morante, Calvino, Petrignani, Fo, and other contemporary authors. Emphasis is on the historical and cultural context of the works and on recent trends in Italian literature. Topics include: literature during both world wars and under Fascism, modernism and postmodernism in literature, contemporary women writers, and the role of Italian intellectuals in society. All work is done in Italian.
1185 ITAL-399-01 Independent Study 1.00 - 2.00 IND TBA TBA TBA Y HUM  
  Enrollment limited to 15 Waitlist available: N Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  Submission of the special registration form, available in the Registrar’s Office, and the approval of the instructor and chairperson are required for enrollment.
2378 ITAL-401-01 Sr Sem: Topics in Ital Studies 1.00 SEM King,Joshua MW: 1:30PM-2:45PM TBA WEB  
  Enrollment limited to 15 Waitlist available: N Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  Prerequisite: C- or better in Italian 228 or equivalent.
  This seminar is required of all seniors majoring in Italian: Plan A, Plan B (Italian as primary language.) An interdisciplinary seminar devoted to guided, individual research. Each student may work on any aspect of the history, society, or culture of Italy or of Italians in other lands. Coursework is conducted in Italian. The grade is based on seminar participation and a research project. Prerequisites: At least one 300-level course in Italian literature or equivalent and permission of the instructor.
1183 ITAL-466-01 Teaching Assistant 0.50 - 1.00 IND TBA TBA TBA Y  
  Enrollment limited to 15 Waitlist available: N Mode of Instruction: In Person  
  Submission of the special registration form, available online, and the approval of the instructor are required for enrollment. Guidelines are available in the College Bulletin. (0.5 - 1 course credit)