Course Catalog for ENGINEERING
ENGR 110
Engineering Computation and Analysis
This course introduces computational engineering analysis using programming languages MATLAB, C/C++, and FORTRAN. Programming techniques for numerical analysis and simulation will be emphasized through utilization of loops, arrays, logic controls, functions, and procedures. Programming projects will include solving linear equations, designing games, image processing, estimation and prediction. (NUM)
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 116
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineering is a diverse, interdisciplinary field of engineering that integrates the physical and life sciences. Its core includes biomechanics, biomaterials, bioinstrumentation, physiological systems, medical imaging, rehabilitation engineering, biosensors, biotechnology, and tissue engineering. This course will highlight the major fields of activity in which biomedical engineers are engaged. A historical perspective of the field and discussion of the moral and ethical issues associated with modern medical technology is included. (NAT)
Seats are reserved for Sophomore and First Year Students
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 120
Introduction to Engineering Design: Mobile Robots
An introduction to the practice of engineering design. Students will complete a project that exposes them to the conceptualization, analysis, synthesis, testing, and documentation of an engineering system. Students will consider such design issues as modularity, testability, reliability, and economy, and they will learn to use computer-aided design tools. They will use laboratory instruments and develop hands-on skills that will support further project work. (NAT)
Only first-year students are eligible to enroll in this class.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 200
Measurement, Instrumentation, and Analysis
This half-credit engineering laboratory course will help engineering students acquire the fundamental laboratory, analysis, and fabrication skills that are essential to most engineering courses. Students will perform data acquisition, data analysis, and system design using modern engineering hardware and software tools, with an emphasis on measuring physical and material properties. (NUM)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Math 132 and Physics 141, or C- or better in Math 132 and concurrent enrollment in Physics 141, or permission of instructor.
0.50 units, Laboratory
ENGR 201
Engineering Entrepreneurship
This course introduces how significant innovations are created and launched and how they generate new entities, jobs, and value for stakeholders, often changing the world. The focus is on how engineers drive innovation through engineering design and customer discovery. This course will help students understand the broader context in which innovation, invention, and engineered solutions exist -- and how ideas are tested, prototyped, and refined for market. Students will also be exposed to a historical discourse on innovation and how today's approaches were honed by practitioners willing to change how the world views the entrepreneurial journey. Not creditable as an elective to the Engineering major. (NUM)
Prerequisite: A satisfactory score on the Mathematics Placement Examination or a C- or better in Quantitative Literacy 101 or QLIT 103
1.00 units, Seminar
ENGR 210
Mathematical Tools for Engineering Analysis and Design
This course will develop the mathematical tools that engineers utilize in the analysis of engineering data. Building off your understanding of calculus, this course will provide an introduction and overview of probability, statistics, linear algebra, and numerical analysis, but through the lens of problem solving in engineering. In addition to applying these techniques to physically realizable problems, real-world engineering data will be utilized in three to four projects to develop your analytical techniques. This course will prepare all engineering students for their 300 and 400 level lectures and labs, providing them with the capability to critically analyze and interpret their experimental results. (NUM)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Mathematics 132.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 212
Linear Circuit Theory
The study of electric circuits in response to steady state, transient, sinusoidally varying, and aperiodic input signals. Basic network theorems, solutions of linear differential equations, LaPlace transform, frequency response, Fourier series, and Fourier transforms are covered. Both analysis and design approaches are discussed. Lecture and laboratory. This course meets the Writing Part II requirement for the engineering major. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Physics 231L, and C- or better or concurrent registration in Mathematics 234.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 221
Digital Circuits & Systems Lecture
An introduction to the design of digital computers. Course content includes: binary information representation, Boolean algebra, combinational circuits, sequential machines, flip-flops, registers, counters, memories, programmable logic, and computer organization. This course meets the Writing Part II requirement for the engineering major. (NUM)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Mathematics 126 or 131, or permission of instructor.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 221
Digital Circuits & Systems Lab
The laboratory emphasizes the design of digital networks
Prerequisite: C- or better in Mathematics 126 or 131, or permission of instructor.
0.25 units, Laboratory
ENGR 221
Digital Circuits and Systems
An introduction to the design of digital computers. Course content includes: binary information representation, Boolean algebra, combinational circuits, sequential machines, flip-flops, registers, counters, memories, programmable logic, and computer organization. The laboratory emphasizes the design of digital networks. Lecture and laboratory. This course meets the Writing Part II requirement for the engineering major. (NUM)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Mathematics 126 or 131, or permission of instructor.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 225
Mechanics I
This introductory course in mechanics studies particle and rigid body statics. Topics include: force systems, rigid body equilibrium, analysis of structures, distributed forces, friction, and the method of virtual work. Dynamics of particles and non-constant acceleration is introduced. Engineering design is incorporated in computer oriented homework assignments. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Physics 141L and Mathematics 132.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 226
Mechanics II
This course studies particle and rigid body dynamics. Topics include: kinematics and kinetics of both particles and rigid bodies, equations of motion in rectangular, normal/tangential and polar coordinate systems, rigid body translation, rotation and general plane motion, work and energy, momentum conservation, mass moment of inertia, and free, forced, and damped vibrations. Engineering design is incorporated in projects and homework assignments. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 225.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 232
Engineering Materials
A study of the nature, properties, and applications of materials in engineering design. An introduction to the field of material science with topics including metals, ceramics, polymers, and semiconductors combined with the unifying principle that engineering properties are a consequence of the atomic/molecular structure of materials. (NAT)
C- or better in Chemistry 111 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 301
Signal Processing and Applications
This course presents digital signal processing (DSP) fundamentals and their practical applications through laboratory assignments. Topics include signal representations in continuous-time and discrete-time domains, discrete-time linear systems and their properties, the Fourier transform and fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, the Z-transform, and digital filter design. This course includes laboratory experiments designed to reinforce DSP theory and to expose students to modern digital signal processing techniques, e.g., creating special audio effects, power spectrum estimation, encoding and decoding touch-tone signals, synthesizing musical instruments, frequency selective filtering, and image processing. Students gain a solid theoretical background in DSP and master hands-on applications using modern development tools. (WEB)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Mathematics 231 and Engineering 212L.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 302
Image Processing and Biomedical Applications
This course presents an interdisciplinary introduction to image processing. The topics include image acquisition; image data structures; image operations (arithmetic, geometric, etc.); and basic problems (edge detection, enhancement, etc). These topics will expose students to the underlying methods applicable to many application contexts such as biomedical systems. Hands-on projects allow students to gain experience in applying image processing methodology to real life problems such as X-ray CT scan. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 212L or permission of instructor.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 303
Analog and Digital Communication
This course introduces basic topics in modern communication theory, including characterization of signals in the time and frequency domains, modulation theory, information coding, and digital data transmission. Topics focus on modulation techniques, including amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and pulse code modulation. Basic probability theory and statistics are presented to provide the tools necessary for design applications, for instance when binary data is transmitted over noisy channels. Computer programming in a high-level language (e.g., MATLAB) is used to solve assignment problems. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 212L and Mathematics 234 or permission of instructor.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 304
Introduction to Machine Learning
This course provides an introduction to AI and discusses the trends, perspectives, and prospects of machine learning (ML). Course projects and assignments will focus on the utilization of supervised machine learning. The course will cover the core of ML, the basic principles of statistics, feature extraction algorithms, data-driven learning approaches. Course topics include the overview of ML and its applications, nearest neighbors (NN) classification, decision trees, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), linear regression models, principal component analysis (PCA), singular value decomposition (SVD), multi-layer perceptron, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and k-means clustering. At the conclusion of this course, students will gain hands-on experience of implementing feature extraction algorithms and clustering techniques through practical problems. (NUM)
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 305
Microelectronic Circuits
An introduction to the semiconductor physics that leads to the development of bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and field effect transistors (FET). This course also covers the development and application of device models for the analysis and design of integrated circuits using CMOS technology. Design and fabrication of fundamental digital and analog circuit devices will be introduced. Laboratory exercises will emphasize "hands-on" experience in understanding the physical behavior of semiconductor devices, and the analysis and design of microelectronic circuits. (NUM)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 212L or permission of instructor.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 311
Electrophysiology of the Central Nervous System
This introductory course in cellular neurophysiology presents a modern and important body of knowledge in a highly integrated fashion drawing from the contributions of anatomists, physiologists, and electrical engineers. The basic biochemical properties of the membrane and sensory transduction, neural transmission, and synaptic interaction are considered in sequential order. Then the collective action of neurons in the form of compound electrical responses, and the electroencephalogram are discussed as means of understanding the neural circuitry involved in various behavioral modalities such as sleep-walking oscillation, pain modulation, etc. Particular emphasis is placed on experimental design. Ongoing research studies illustrating the concepts and techniques presented in the course will be discussed. Open to all junior and senior life science and physical science majors. (NAT)
This course is open only to junior and senior STEM majors, or permission of instructor.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 312
Automatic Control Systems
Automatic control systems with sensors and feedback loops are ubiquitous in modern designs. The emergence of powerful microcontrollers in recent decades makes control system implementation much easier and encourages more innovation. This course provides a broad coverage of control system theory for engineering majors. Essential mathematical tools to study control systems are reviewed. Course topics include mathematical modeling, solutions to system design specifics, performance analysis, state variable and transition matrix, compensator design using root-locus, and PID controller design. Analysis is focused on linear control systems and broad applications. Linear system modeling is broadly applied to a variety of engineering systems. MATLAB and Simulink are used in assignments and team projects. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Mathematics 231 and Engineering 212L, or permission of instructor.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 316
Neural Engineering
This introductory course uses an integrative and cross-disciplinary approach to survey basic principles and modern theories and methods in several important areas of neural engineering. Course topics include: neural prosthetics, neural stimulation, neurophysiology, neural signal detection, and analysis and computational neural networks. The practicalities of the emerging technology of brain-computer interface as well as other research topics in neural engineering will be discussed. Students will also have the opportunity to perform hands-on computer simulation and modeling of neural circuits and systems. (NAT)
Open to all junior and senior life science and physical science majors.
1.00 units, Seminar
ENGR 320
Introduction to Robot Manipulation
Dexterous control of robot manipulators is one of the primary goals in robotics and automation. Precise and repeatable manipulation enables capabilities such as pick-and-place, sorting, and several other manufactur- ing tasks. Course content, assignments and projects will focus on the mathematical formulation, analysis and design of rigid-link robot manipulators. The course will introduce topics new to the engineering cur- riculum, such as coordinate transformation representations, homogeneous transformations, serial link and joint assignment, workspace calculation, forward and inverse kinematics of serial link mechanisms, Denavit- Hartenberg parameters, and the Jacobian (energy equivalence, velocity and force). At the conclusion of the course, students will implement the introduced mathematical and analytical tools by designing, analyzing and simulating a serial link manipulator. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Mathematics 231 and Engineering 212L, or permission of instructor.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 323
Microprocessor Systems
A hands-on study of design and implementation of microprocessor based systems. Students learn the steps of translating application specifics to design criteria, choosing essential hardware components, creating system schematics, wiring complete microprocessor systems, and developing application software. This course introduces major topics in computer system architecture, anatomy of CPU function, system bus structure, memory mapping, interrupt and latency, real-time control and multi-tasking. Assembly and C/C++ language programming is introduced and extensively used in laboratory assignments. Lectures and laboratory experiments are tightly coordinated to help students become familiar with various application aspects and design challenges concerning the embedded system. (WEB)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 212L and 221L, or permission of the instructor.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 325
Mechanics of Materials
This course studies solid mechanics of deformable bodies, focusing on the internal effects of externally applied loads. Topics include elasticity theory, stress, strain and Young's modulus, axial, torsional, and shear stresses, Mohr's circle, analysis of beams, shafts, and columns subjected to axial, torsional, and combined loading. Finite-element analysis (FEA) is used throughout the course. Laboratory projects focus on the design of structures. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 225.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 337
Theoretical and applied classical engineering thermodynamics. Concepts presented include the first and second laws, properties of ideal and real substances, gas mixtures, closed and open systems, work and heat, reversible and irreversible processes, various thermodynamic cycles, and chemical reactions. Students will also complete a design and optimization of a power cycle as an individual project. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Physics 131L or Physics 141L.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 341
Architectural Drawing
A conceptual and practical introduction to the varied types of architectural drawings used to describe and perceive buildings. Tailored for liberal arts students, topics include geometry vs perception, freehand drawings, foreshortening, drafting measured drawings, understanding plans and sections, 3D parallel projection drawings, and setting up basic perspective views Students study and analyze inspiring drawings and buildings from their related classes, whether Art History, Engineering or Urban Studies. The class is taught as a hands-on studio course. This class serves as a prerequisite for AHIS 365/ENGR 342. (ART)
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 342
Elements of Architectural Design
Echoing the curriculum in Architecture Schools but tailored for liberal arts students in a studio setting, this class teaches the basics of architectural design and language. Through sketches, hardline drawings, and model-making, students explore the fundamental principles of hierarchy, proportion, space, light, surface, order, rhythm, contrast, tectonics, craftsmanship and technique. This course includes a series of pedagogically stepped abstract projects, adding complexity and dimensions, understanding and building upon what is successful in each project, culminating with a project exploring and adding the critical concepts of site, context and program. This class is recommended for those who might consider graduate study in architecture. (ART)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 341.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 346
Computational Neuroscience
This course introduces students to computational neuroscience which represents an interdisciplinary science linking the diverse fields of neuroscience, biomedical engineering, computer science, mathematics and physics to study brain function. Through lectures, small classroom discussions and hands-on computer laboratory exercises, basic strategies for modeling single neurons and neuronal networks will be introduced, including cable theory, passive and active compartmental modeling, spiking neurons, and models of plasticity and learning. Neuronal modeling fundamentals such as the Nernst equilibrium, the Hodgkin-Huxley model and the Goldman equation will also be covered. There will be ample opportunities for students to design and simulate their own computational neuron models using computer-aided numerical simulation software packages, such as MATLAB and NEURON. (NAT)
Junior and senior STEM majors who have a C- or better in MATH 131 or permission of the instructor
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 353
This biomedical engineering core course applies principles of engineering mechanics in the examination of human physiological systems, such as the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. Topics are drawn from biosolid and biofluid mechanics, including non-Newtonian fluid rheology and viscoelastic constitutive equations; and biodynamics, such as blood flow, respiratory mechanics, gait analysis and sport biomechanics. Students are exposed to current applied biomechanics research in industry and medicine. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 225.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 357
Physiological Modeling
An introduction to the design and use of models and simulations in the quantitative description of physiological systems. These powerful tools are used to study membrane biophysics and neural modeling, cardiovascular system dynamics, muscle contraction, biomechanics, insulin-blood glucose regulation and pharmacokinetics. Students develop and use mathematical models based on ordinary, nonlinear and stochastic differential equations that are solved numerically by digital computer. These models provide dynamic and steady-state information about the physiological systems under study. This course is designed for upper-level students in engineering and the life sciences. Significant engineering and software design is incorporated in homework assignments. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 225 and Mathematics 234 or permission of instructor.
1.00 units, Lecture
ENGR 362
Fluid Mechanics
A study of fundamental concepts in fluid mechanics, including fluid physical properties, hydrostatics, fluid dynamics, conservation of mass and momentum, dimensional analysis, pipe flow, open channel flow, and aerodynamics. Lab experiments illustrate fluid dynamic concepts and introduce the student to pressure and flow instrumentation and empirical methods. Lab projects include subsonic wind-tunnel testing of aerodynamic models and mechanical instrumentation design and fabrication. Advanced concepts such as the Navier-Stokes equations and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are introduced. (WEB)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 225 and Mathematics 234 or permission of instructor.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 366
Architectural Design Studio and Portfolio Development
This course is ideal for students interested in an architectural design/portfolio development studio format and is a continuation of AHIS 365. Students will complete an architectural design project of their choice with weekly online meetings and studio critiques with the instructor. These Zoom meetings will include the entire class, allowing students the benefit of seeing and participating in what others are working on. (ART)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 341.
0.50 units, Studio
ENGR 372
Heat Transfer
An introduction to the physical phenomena associated with heat transfer. Analytical and empirical techniques to study heat transfer by conduction, forced and free convection, and radiation are presented. Heat equations developed for applied conduction are solved numerically via digital computer. Students will apply design and analysis of heat transfer systems that combine conduction, convection, and radiation. (NAT)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 212L and Mathematics 234 or permission of instructor.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 398
Engineering Academic Internship
An engineering academic internship is designed to: (1) provide students with the opportunity to apply what they have learned in the classroom to the work of an engineering organization or company; (2) To engage students in academic projects directly linked to the internship experience and their areas of concentration in the major. To enroll in the internship students need the permission of a faculty member, who will supervise the academic work.
1.00 units, Independent Study
ENGR 399
Independent Study - Robot Team
Independent research supervised by a faculty member for students participating on the Robot Team. Submission of the special registration form, available in the Registrar’s Office, and the approval of the instructor and chairperson are required for enrollment.
0.50 units min / 1.00 units max, Independent Study
ENGR 399
Independent Study Engineering 120 Mentors
Independent research supervised by a faculty member for students participating as mentors for the students enrolled in ENGR120. Submission of the special registration form, available in the Registrar’s Office, and the approval of the instructor and chairperson are required for enrollment.
0.50 units min / 1.00 units max, Independent Study
ENGR 399
Independent Study
Independent research supervised by a faculty member in an area of the student’s special interests. Submission of the special registration form, available in the Registrar’s Office, and the approval of the instructor and chairperson are required for enrollment.
0.50 units min / 1.00 units max, Independent Study
ENGR 431
Experimental Design and Methods
This course requires junior and senior engineering students to perform significant independent engineering design using skills acquired from a broad range of previous engineering courses. Simultaneously, it provides practical experience designing, testing and using transducers for measuring mechanical properties such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, temperature and pressure. Transducers are interfaced to electrical and computer subsystems for data collection and subsequent numerical analysis. CAD design, machining and finite-element analysis of structures are introduced. These design principles are then applied in a term design project. The lecture part of the course is used to present new analytical theory and experimental methods, such as how to perform finite-element analysis of structures, and how to interpret spec sheets. The laboratory is used to implement and test the design projects. (WEB)
Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 212L 225 or permission of instructor.
1.25 units, Lecture
ENGR 466
Teaching Assistantship
Submission of the special registration form, available online, and the approval of the instructor are required for enrollment. Guidelines are available in the College Bulletin. (0.5 - 1 course credit)
0.50 units min / 1.00 units max, Independent Study
ENGR 483
Capstone Design I
A research and design project, supervised by a member of the engineering faculty, that integrates knowledge from mathematics, science, and engineering courses taken for the major. Students must choose an area of study, survey the literature, determine feasibility, complete the design, and plan for implementation. Working either individually or as members of a team, students will submit full project documentation to the faculty supervisor and deliver a final oral presentation to the department. Normally elected in the fall semester. May not be taken concurrently with Engineering 484. (NAT)
Prerequisite: Senior engineering majors only, C- or better in ENGR200, or permission of instructor
1.00 units, Seminar
ENGR 484
Capstone Design II
A forum for discussing the current literature especially as it relates to issues in engineering design. Each student is required to carry out a design project and to report regularly to the seminar. (WEB)
This course is open to senior engineering majors only.
1.00 units, Seminar
ENGR 490
Research Assistantship
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to undertake substantial research work with a faculty member. Students need to complete a special registration form, available online, and have it signed by the supervising instructor.
1.00 units, Independent Study