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Course Info for MATH - 131 - 21, Fall 2023
Class number: 2100 Title: Calculus I Workshop Department: Mathematics
Career: Undergraduate Component: Laboratory Session: Regular
Instructor's Permission Required: No Grading Basis: Pass/Fail Units: 0.25
Enrollment limited to 25 Current enrollment: 24 Available seats: 1
Start date: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 End date: Thursday, December 21, 2023 Mode of Instruction: In Person
Schedule: R: 9:25AM-10:40AM, MECC - 172 Instructor(s): Pellico, Ryan
Prerequisite(s): Corequisite: Must be enrolled in Mathematics 131 concurrently.
Distribution Requirement: Meets Numerical & Symbolic Reasoning Requirement
Course Description:
The Calculus I Workshop is a challenging, interactive group learning environment for interested students. Each workshop is typically based on a detailed set of worksheets which students work through in an interactive setting. Students are encouraged to “talk mathematics”, thinking aloud and working with other students. Workshop problems are based on the material covered in lecture, but they are designed to stretch each student’s abilities to the fullest extent. The students spend most of the workshop time collaborating in groups, grappling with difficult ideas and problems.