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Course Info for HIST - 270 - 01, Spring 2022
Class number: 3045 Title: Parliamentary Debate Department: History
Career: Undergraduate Component: Lecture Session: Regular
Instructor's Permission Required: No Grading Basis: Regular Units: 1.00
Enrollment limited to 32 Current enrollment: 6 Available seats: 26
Start date: Monday, January 31, 2022 End date: Monday, May 16, 2022 Mode of Instruction: In Person
Schedule: M: 6:30PM-9:00PM, SH - S201 Instructor(s): Regan-Lefebvre, Jennifer
Prerequisite(s): None
Distribution Requirement: Meets Humanities Requirement
Course Description:
This course introduces the history of debate in the British parliamentary tradition and the practice of debate as a collegiate extra-curricular activity. The course is a dynamic mix of lecture, seminar-style discussion and experiential learning. The course has three components: historical background to and analysis of the British parliamentary system, drawing on the emerging field of the history of rhetoric; primary source analysis of historical speeches and debates; applied sessions when students will draft and practice their own debates in teams. Written exercises include developing a ‘time-space case’ based in British history. Students will complete the course with a broader understanding of British political history, a deeper sensitivity to political rhetoric, and stronger oral and written argumentation and communication skills. No debate experience is necessary.