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Course Info for FYSM - 177 - 01, Fall 2022
Class number: 3477 Title: The Psychology of Happiness Department: First Year Sem & Colloq
Career: Undergraduate Component: Seminar Session: Regular
Instructor's Permission Required: Yes Grading Basis: Regular Units: 1.00
Enrollment limited to 15 Current enrollment: 15 Available seats: 0
Start date: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 End date: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 Mode of Instruction: In Person
Schedule: MWF: 9:00AM-9:50AM, SH - N128 Instructor(s): Helt, Molly
Prerequisite(s): None
Distribution Requirement: Meets FirstYr Seminar Requirement
Course Description:
We all want to be happy and experience a meaningful life, but do we really know what happiness is? Does money make us happy, and if so, when and why? How do our relationships contribute to a feeling of meaning in life? What types of situations encourage cognitive mastery and creativity? Can happiness be learned, or is our happiness "setpoint" mostly determined by genetics? How do we, as a society, encourage generosity and altruism? The common theme for all of these topics is how we can use scholarly research in psychology to improve our everyday lives and strengthen our communities. Students will write opinion papers about scientific findings, conduct self experiments, and journal about their experiences in trying to apply these findings to their own lives.