Course Info

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Course Info for BIOL - 119 - 01, January 2023
Class number: 1027 Title: Nutrition: Food and Fads Department: Biology
Career: Undergraduate Component: Lecture Session: Regular
Instructor's Permission Required: No Grading Basis: Graded Units: 0.50
Enrollment limited to 15 Current enrollment: 12 Available seats: 3
Start date: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 End date: Friday, January 20, 2023 Mode of Instruction: In Person
Schedule: TWRF: 10:00AM-1:00PM, CT - 210 Instructor(s): Draper, Alison
Prerequisite(s): None
Distribution Requirement: Wellness: Mind, Body and Spirit
Note: This course begins on January 10.
Course Description:
This course will explore many aspects of nutrition including the science of food, popular diet plans and cultural views of nutrition. We will use scientific texts and primary literature to explore the science of food, nutritional supplements, food intolerance and allergy and the effect of diet on health. Students will work in small groups to explore the strengths and weaknesses of fad diets. As an ongoing project throughout the course, students will design a diet plan based on their own needs, philosophy, preferences, health history and family and cultural history and will follow their plan and reflect on the experience. We will also incorporate cooking class-selected recipes and dining experiences in relation to nutrition. All levels of college science background are welcome. Not creditable to the biology major.