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Course Info for BIOL - 436 - 01, Fall 2024
Class number: 3433 Title: Dogs and their Maladies Department: Biology
Career: Undergraduate Component: Seminar Session: Regular
Instructor's Permission Required: No Grading Basis: Regular Units: 1.00
Enrollment limited to 12 Current enrollment: 5 Available seats: 7
Start date: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 End date: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Mode of Instruction: In Person
Schedule: M: 1:30PM-4:10PM, TC - 142 Instructor(s): Jacquemetton, Christiane
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite: C- or better in Biology 182, and Biology 183L, and Biology 319L or Biology 315L, or permission of instructor.
Distribution Requirement: Meets Writing Emphasis Part2 Requirements
Course Description:
Through this course students will come to understand how evolutionary pressures like artificial selection have led domestic dogs to have some of the greatest diversity of morphological traits of any species, and how this intense evolutionary pressure has led many breeds to be susceptible to a wide-range of illnesses and maladies. Students will be asked to read weekly assignments in the form of primary literature and to create student-led presentations on different ailments and their genetic underpinnings. Students will be expected to come class prepared to discuss the readings. The final project will be a mock grant proposal centered on domestic dog evolution or health. This class should appeal to senior-level students interested in evolutionary biology and/or veterinary medicine.