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Course Info for FREN - 355 - 01, Spring 2025
Class number: 2986 Title: Politics of Maghrebi Lit Department: Language and Culture Studies
Career: Undergraduate Component: Seminar Session: Regular
Instructor's Permission Required: No Grading Basis: Regular Units: 1.00
Enrollment limited to 19 Current enrollment: 9 Available seats: 10
Start date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 End date: Friday, May 9, 2025 Mode of Instruction: In Person
Schedule: TR: 10:50AM-12:05PM, 115V - 103 Instructor(s): Bouchakour, Walid
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite: C- or better in French 247, 248, 251 or 252 or permission of instructor.
Distribution Requirement: Meets Humanities and Global Requirements
Course Description:
This class considers postcolonial Maghrebi literature as a space of political experimentation. Challenging dominant narratives and borders, Maghrebi artists project alternative imagined communities drawing on indigenous culture or connecting the multiple dimensions of a region located at the crossroad of Africa, the Arab World and the Mediterranean. More than mere representations, their works are powerful interventions on questions of decolonization, nation-building, and democracy. This class investigates how texts written in French are informed by Amazigh and Arabic languages. Students will read major works of Maghrebi literature and learn about recent scholarship rethinking the cultural history of the region. Authors may include Albert Memmi, Mouloud Mammeri, Abdelkébir Khatibi, Tahar Djaout, Youssef Amine Elalamy, Mustapha Benfodil, Ibrahim Al Koni, and Ahlem Mostaghenemi. Course conducted in French.