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Course Info for PHYS - 231 - 20, Spring 2025
Class number: 1097 Title: Phys II:Electrcty Magtsm &Wavs Department: Physics
Career: Undergraduate Component: Laboratory Session: Regular
Instructor's Permission Required: No Grading Basis: Regular Units: 1.25
Enrollment limited to 12 Current enrollment: 14 Available seats: 0
Start date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 End date: Friday, May 9, 2025 Mode of Instruction: In Person
Schedule: M: 1:30PM-4:10PM, MC - 219 Instructor(s): Palandage, Kalum
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite: C- or better in Physics 131L or Physics 141L and concurrent registration in or previous completion of Mathematics 132 or 142 with a C- or better.
Distribution Requirement: Meets Natural Science Requirement
Course Description:
This second part of the three-term calculus-based introductory sequence is devoted primarily to the study of electromagnetism. The emphasis is on the description of electric and magnetic phenomena in terms of fields. Topics to be covered include electrostatics and magnetostatics, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, and the characterization of energy and momentum in the electromagnetic field. The remainder of the course is taken up with basic properties of waves in general: wave kinematics, standing waves and resonance, and the Doppler effect. Three lecture periods and one laboratory period per week.