Class number:
Title: Sports |
Department: First Year Sem & Colloq |
Career: Undergraduate |
Component: Seminar |
Session: Regular |
Instructor's Permission Required: Yes |
Grading Basis: Graded |
Units: 1.00 |
Enrollment limited to 15 |
Current enrollment: 15 |
Available seats: 0 |
Start date: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 |
End date: Thursday, December 21, 2023 |
Mode of Instruction: In Person |
Schedule: MWF: 9:00AM-9:50AM, HHN - 105 |
Instructor(s): Alcorn, John |
Prerequisite(s): Only first-year students are eligible to enroll in this class. |
Distribution Requirement: Meets FirstYr Seminar Requirement |
Course Description:
An introduction to social science of sports. We will examine collegiate, professional, individual, team, and international sports. Specific topics are: nature and nurture in athletic prowess, stakeholders (athletes, fans, owners, media, and sponsors), dysfunctions (bias, corruption, discrimination, doping, & violence), and governance (official rules and informal honor codes). An overarching question is: What are sports for? We will review answers from various disciplines in the liberal arts, and develop our own. Students will conduct policy debates, about pay-for-play for collegiate athletes, performance-enhancing drugs, and Title IX. The seminar mixes traditional meetings and experimental components, including public debates and workshops in which students learn to create polished virtual presentations of their final projects. There will be guest visits by experts from the field. |