Ph.D., Harvard Univ.
M.P.P., Harvard Kennedy School
B.A., Williams College
Abigail Fisher Williamson researches and teaches on immigration policy, health policy, urban politics, and civic engagement. Her book Welcoming New Americans? Local Governments and Immigrant Incorporation (University of Chicago Press, 2018) explains why cities welcome immigrants and how these efforts both promote and restrict incorporation. She is a co-editor of The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations: Transatlantic Perspectives (Temple University Press, 2017). She works with an interdisciplinary team of scholars on the AmeRicans' Conceptions of Health Equity Study (ARCHES), which examines how people form and change their understandings of whose health deserves society's attention and investment. Her research has received funding from the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Ruth Landes Memorial Fund, and Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS).
From 1998-2001, Professor Williamson worked for the Eurasia Foundation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, ultimately as Associate Country Director for the Foundation’s Tbilisi, Georgia office. From 2003-2005, she served as a Research Associate and then as Associate Director of the Saguaro Seminar for Civic Engagement at Harvard’s Kennedy School.
In the classroom, Professor Williamson aims to cultivate civic engagement while enhancing the skills and knowledge necessary to make meaningful contributions.
Research and Evaluation Methods (quantitative and qualitative)
Immigration Policy and Politics
Civic and Political Engagement, Social Capital
Urban Politics and Policy
Racial and Ethnic Politics
American Social Policy
Research and Evaluation
Political Science Research Methods
Becoming American: Immigration and Integration Policy
Immigration Policy
Civic Engagement
Urban Politics
Racial and Ethnic Politics
Health Policy
Welcoming New Americans? Local Governments and Immigrant Incorporation. 2018. The University of Chicago Press.
The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations: Transatlantic
Perspectives (edited volume, with Stefanie Chambers, Diana Evans, and Anthony
Messina). 2017. Temple University Press.
Journal Articles:
- "Rethinking Flourishing: Critical Insights and Qualitative Perspectives from the U.S. Midwest" (with S. Willen, C. Walsh, M. Hyman, and W. Tootle). 2002. Social Science and Medicine--Mental Health.
- "Learning to see Racism: Perspective Transformation among Stakeholders in a Regional Health and Equity Initiative" (with Colleen Walsh and Sarah Willen). 2022. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 28(1): S82-90.
- "Visualizing Health Equity: Qualitative Perspectives on the Value and Limits of Equity Images" (with Sarah Willen and Colleen Walsh). 2021. Health Education and Behavior. 48(5): 595-603.
- "Intergovernmental Policy Feedbacks and Urban Responses to Immigrants." 2020. PS: Political Science and Politics. 53(1): 20-24.
- “Mechanisms of Declining Intra-Ethnic Trust in New Immigrant
Destinations.” 2015. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 41(11):
- “See No Spanish: Language, Local Context, and Attitudes
toward Immigration” (with Daniel J. Hopkins and Van C. Tran). 2014. Politics,
Groups, and Identities. 2(1): 35-51.
- “Declining Trust amidst Diversity? A Natural Experiment in
Lewiston, Maine.” 2014. In Social Cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North
America: Mechanisms, Conditions and Causality, edited by Ruud Koopmans, Bram
Lancee, and Merlin Schaeffer. Routledge.
Other Publications:
- "Psychological Tips Aren't Enough - Policies Need to Address Structural Inequities So Everyone Can Flourish" (with Sarah Willen and Colleen Walsh). 2022. The Conversation. April 11.
- “Measuring Local Government Context of Reception through the
2016 Municipal Responses to Immigrants Survey.” 2017. Migration and Citizenship
Newsletter for the American Political Science Association. 5(2): 14-23.
- “Citizen Participation in the Unified New Orleans Plan.”
2007. A report to the Rockefeller Foundation and AmericaSpeaks.
- “Mapping Public Deliberation” (with Archon Fung). 2005. A
report to the William and Flora Hewlitt Foundation.
- “Public Deliberation: Where Are We, Where Can We Go?” (with
Archon Fung). 2004. National Civic Review. 93(4): 3-15.
- Charles A. Dana Research Associate Professorship Award, 2019-2021.
- Arthur H. Hughes Award for Teaching Achievement, 2017.
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant, 2017-2019 (Co-PI).
- Pew Charitable Trusts funding, 2015-2016.
- Ruth Landes Memorial Fund Grant, 2015-2016.
- Bucerius Ph.D. in Migration Studies, ZEIT Stiftung, 2008-2010.
- Dissertation Research Fellowship, Center for American Political Studies, Harvard University, 2008-2009.
- Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS) Grant (with Daniel J. Hopkins and Van C. Tran), 2007.
- Research Grant, Hauser Center for Non-profit Organizations, Harvard Kennedy School, 2008.
- Research Fellowship, Taubman Center for State and Local Government, Harvard Kennedy School, 2007-2008.
- Krouse Prize in Political Science, Williams College, 1998.
- Doris de Keyserlingk Prize in Russian, Williams College, 1998.