Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst
M.A., Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst
B.A., Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst
Lucius Couloute received his PhD in sociology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His work largely examines the multiple causes and consequences of mass criminalization and his recent pieces examine: unemployment and housing insecurity among people with criminal records, the racist roots of mass incarceration, the organizational production of inequality, reentry-related exclusions, and meaning-making among criminalized people. Dr. Couloute’s current projects examine direct cash transfers among people with felony records, the experiences of Black women with criminalized partners, the economic exploitation of criminalized people, and identification-attainment among those leaving prisons. Dr. Couloute incorporates explicitly anti-racist, afro-futuristic, interdisciplinary, and intersectional frameworks in all of his classes. Dr. Couloute’s goal in the classroom is to encourage students to think critically about how the world works, how it ought to work, and how we might bring about change. This approach challenges students to unlearn dominant myths and to question taken-for-granted ideas about race, class, gender, or any number of social constructions.
Mass Criminalization
Organizational Inequality
Critical Criminological theory
Crime & Communities
Prisoner Reentry
Mass Incarceration and the Family
Economic Insecurity
Public Sociology
Qualitative Methods
Public Policy
- Couloute, L., Tandon, N., Patel, H., Blocker, S., West, S., & Castro, A. 2025. The American Guaranteed Income Studies: Gainesville, Florida. University of Pennsylvania, Center for Guaranteed Income Research.
- Couloute, L., Tandon, N., West, S., Blocker, S., Patel, H., & Castro, A. 2025. The American Guaranteed Income Studies: Durham, North Carolina. University of Pennsylvania, Center for Guaranteed Income Research.
- Couloute, Lucius and Dijonée Talley. 2024. ““That Sh*t Ain’t Helping Nobody”: Narratives of Exclusion and Individualism Among Criminalized Men.” Victims & Offenders. 1-29
- Couloute, Lucius. 2024. ““They Need To Go In There”: Carceral Condemnation Among Formerly Incarcerated Black Men.” Socius. 1-18.
- Couloute, Lucius and Kacie Snyder. 2023. “Housing Insecurity Among People with Criminal Records.” Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy. 21-54.
- Couloute, Lucius. 2021. The Case for Temporary Guaranteed Income for Formerly Incarcerated People. The Appeal.
- Couloute, Lucius. 2020. It’s Time to Unlock the Vote for Those on Parole. CT Mirror.
- Couloute, Lucius. 2020. Prisons as a Public Health Threat During COVID-19. Contexts.
- Branch, Enobong Hannah, Christina Jackson, and Lucius Couloute. 2020. “Is Justice Blind? Race and the Rise of Mass Incarceration.” Book chapter in Black in America: What it Means to be the Problem. Enobong Hannah Branch & Christina Jackson. 127-146.
- Couloute, Lucius. 2019. “Organizing Reentry: How Race Structures the Post-Imprisonment Terrain.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Volume 58. 89-109.
- Couloute, Lucius and Dan Kopf. 2018. Out of Prison & Out of Work: Unemployment Among Formerly Incarcerated People. Prison Policy Initiative.
- Couloute, Lucius. 2018. Nowhere to Go: Homelessness Among Formerly Incarcerated People. Prison Policy Initiative.
- Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship. Institute for Research on Poverty, $60,000, 2024
- Laura and John Arnold Foundation Grant. Prison Identification Project, Principal Investigator (with Co-PI: Kayla Preito-Hodge), $93,000, 2024
- Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) Visiting Poverty Scholar, University of Wisconsin, 2022
- Co-Pi, Just Income GNV Guaranteed Income Pilot, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, $30,000, 2021
- Russell Sage Foundation Proposal Development Summer Institute Early Career Scholar, 2021
- ASA & NSF Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline Grant for “Black Women and Secondary Criminalization: Understanding the Diffuse Impacts of Mass Incarceration,” (with Co-PI: Yolanda Wiggins), $8,000, 2020
- Diversity Scholars Network (National Center for Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan), 2020