Ph.D., Southern Illinois Univ.
B.A., Cleveland State Univ.
Professor Gleason received his Ph.D. in political science from Southern Illinois University in 2014. Previously, he earned bachelors degrees in political science and history from Cleveland State University.
His research focuses on how identity, particularly gender, shapes outcomes for legal actors such as judges and attorneys. Throughout his research, he emphasizes gender is not a binary distinction between men and women, rather it is a socially constructed set of expectations which governs evaluations in a host of contexts. Professor Gleason’s research is frequently collaborative, often with students. He is thrilled that three of his former coauthors/students have pursued PhDs.
Professor Gleason is firmly committed to student success. He views class as an ongoing dynamic conversation where abstract course concepts are linked to concrete real world examples. Along the way, there is an emphasis on translatable skills portable to any career such as research and effective writing.
Judicial politics
Politics & gender
Identity politics
Constitutional law
Political institutions
Research design
Statistical methods
The legal profession
Research and Evaluation
Gender and Law
Public Policy and Law Internship and Seminar
Current Issues: The Supreme Court and Public Policy
Judicial diversity
Gender performance
Quantitative textual analysis
Judicial decision-making
Gender norms & schemas
State supreme court selection
Strategic behavior
- Howard, Robert M., Christine Roch, Susanne Schorpp, and Shane A. Gleason. 2021. Power, Constraint, and Policy Change: Courts, Education and Education Finance Reform. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- Gleason, Shane A. 2024. “Since You Put It That Way: Gender Norms and Interruptions at Oral Arguments.” Social Science Quarterly. (In press)
- Kong, Sining, Michelle M. Maresh-Fuehrer, and Shane A. Gleason. 2024. “Helpful or Harmful? The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Organizational Crisis Response.” Corporate Communications: an International Journal. (In press)
- Gleason, Shane A. 2023. “I Can’t See You; Can You Hear Me?: Gender Norms & Context During In-Person & Teleconference U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments.” Politics & Gender. (In press)
- Gleason, Shane A. and EmiLee Smart. 2023. “You Think; Therefore I Am; Gender Schemas & Context in Oral Arguments at the Supreme Court, 1979-2016.” Political Research Quarterly. 76(1): 143-157.
- Gleason, Shane A. and Diana K. Ivy. 2021. “As She Was Saying: The Role of Gender & Narratives in Oral Argument Amicus Success.” Justice System Journal. 42(3/4):416-433.
- Gleason, Shane A. 2020. “Beyond Mere Presence: Gender Norms in Oral Arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court.” Political Research Quarterly. 73(3):596-608.
- Gleason, Shane A., Jennifer J. Jones, and Jessica Rae McBean. 2019. “The Role of Gender Norms in Judicial Decision-Making at the U.S. Supreme Court: The Case of Male & Female Justices.” American Politics Research. 47(3): 494-529.
- Gleason, Shane A. 2018. “The Dynamics of Legal Networks: State Attorney General Amicus Brief Coalition Formation.” Justice System Journal. 39(3): 253-272.
- Gleason, Shane A. and Colin Provost. 2016. “Representing the States Before the U.S. Supreme Court: State Amicus Brief Participation, the Policy-Making Environment, and the Fourth Amendment.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism. 46(2): 248-273.
- Student Choice Digital Innovator of the Year, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, 2020
- National Science Foundation Travel Grants, 2013, 2017