Ph.D., Univ. at Albany-SUNY
M.A., Marquette Univ.
B.A., Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Diana Aldrete is an Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies and Human Rights. Her research, pedagogy, and artistic production, interrogates the intersections of contemporary Mexican/Latin American/Latinx literary, film and cultural studies, Mexico-U.S. border studies, feminist and queer theory, environmental humanities, and Human Rights studies. She is currently working on her first monographic book project tentatively titled Between Land and Death: Women Writing for Justice in Mexico, which examines how literary production, primarily by contemporary Mexican women writers, have become part of the political dialectic on anti-feminicidal violence as they question notions of justice, and place literature in conversation with activism. She is also an abstract visual artist and writer, who often infuses literary, musical, and cultural references in her visual art and writing. She has published poetry and short fiction, exhibited her visual art in several venues in Connecticut, and had her first solo exhibit Invisible Suffering, at Charter Oak Cultural Center and Austin Arts Center's Garmany Hall in the spring 2022. The art project Invisible Suffering was supported by the Free Center’s " Independent Artist Fund," which sponsored 36 projects by (BIPOC) artists in Hartford. Inspired by activist and water protector Josephine Mandamin, her second art project Ech.o Locations, is a study on the ecologies of the Great Lakes, and the relationships between the contact zones of water, land, and its inhabitants (human and non-human). Ech.o Locations is an ecofeminist project that focuses on sound and visual manifestations of several coast lines and will be part of a larger series called EcoMaterialities, where an ecocritical art installation invites viewers to consider how bodies experience ecological disasters. Professor Aldrete has had experience teaching at different levels of higher education, such as community college, small liberal arts college, and research university. This experience has helped her develop an interdisciplinary methodology in her pedagogy.
Contemporary Mexican Literature and Cultural Studies
Human Rights Narratives in Latin America
Latin American Film Studies
Spanish Conversation and Composition
Intermediate Spanish I
Introduction to Cultural Analysis
Human Rights Literature in Latin America
Narratives of Border Identity
Senior Seminar
Border Intimacies and Human Rights
The Question of Justice and Visual Arts Accounting for Truths at Times of Trauma
Ecofeminism, Intersectional Environmentalism, and Human Rights
Human Rights Narratives in Latin America
Globalization in Latin American Literature
Representations of Violence in Latin American Literature and Film
Latin American Film Studies
Contemporary Mexican Literature and Culture
20th and 21st Century Mexican and Latin American Narrative
Narrative Connections Between Text and Visual Arts in Latin America
Queer and Latinx Identities in Latin America's Modern Cultural Production
Manuscript in Preparation - Between Land and Death: Imagining Justice for Women in Mexico. In preparation for submission.
Peer-Reviewed Publications - Aldrete, Diana. “The Ruins of Modernity: Synecdoche of Neoliberal Mexico in Roberto Bolaño’s 2666.” Ecofictions, Ecorealities and Slow Violence in Latin America and the Latinx World, edited by Ilka Kressner, Ana María Mutis, and Elizabeth Pettinaroli, Routledge, 2019, pp. 74-91.
Short Stories - Manuscript: The Return. In preparation for submission.
- “The Reel.” Powerful Latinas Rising. Apr. 21, 2020. https://powerfullatinasrising.org/the-reel/
- “Los charales.” Diálogo: an Interdisciplinary Studies Journal. 22.2 (2019): pp. 125-29.
- Poetry
“On the Car Ride Home.” Somos en escrito. Jan. 2, 2022.
- Visual Art
Featured painting: “Ice Cave.” Kaleidoscope. 1.1 (2021): p. 10.
Literary translations - Children’s Book: Mi mamá fue guerrillera / My Mom Was a Guerrillera by Ivonne Carlos. Trans. Diana Aldrete. Editorial Gafas Moradas. Forthcoming, 2022.
Interviews and Articles
ARTIST EVENTS, PUBLIC COLLABORATIONS, AND INTERVIEWS Solo Exhibits - Invisible Suffering. Funded by Free Center’s “Independent Artist Fund.” March 11th – April 5th, 2022. Charter Oak Cultural Center, Hartford, CT.
- Invisible Suffering. Sponsored by the Human Rights Studies and Trinity Arts Initiatiative. May 2nd - May 6th, 2022. Austin Arts Center, Trinity College, Hartford, CT.
Group Exhibitions - 2021 Pride Virtual Art Show. Sponsored by the New London Pride. New London, CT. Aug. 16, 2021.
- “Ice Cave.” Queer One Show (OPEN wALL ed. 02). Sponsored by the Free Center. Middletown, CT. Feb. 14, 2021.
- “Jazz.” Safe Spaces ed. 01. Sponsored by the Free Center. Middletown, CT. Oct. 23, 2020.
- 2020 Pride Virtual Art Show. Sponsored by the New London Pride. New London, CT. Aug. 10, 2020.
- “Pride.” Art2Unite2. Sponsored by ArtSpace. Hartford, CT. Jun. 22, 2019.
Poetry Performances - Honoring Latina Poets in CT. Sponsored by the Hartford Public Library and Margaret Gibson, CT Poet Laureate. Hartford, CT. Oct. 23, 2021.
- “Say Her Name.” NEA’s Big Read Kickoff. Sponsored by the Hartford Public Library. Hartford, CT. Feb. 28, 2021.
- A Little Bit of Death V (Cast member – musical and poetry performance). Sponsored by the Long Wharf Theater. New Haven, CT. Dec. 9, 2020.
- Featured reciter of Poetry from Clara Lair and Julia de Burgos: Music and Poetry of the Extended Caribbean. Sponsored by the Center for Latino, Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CELAC); University at Albany, SUNY. Albany, NY. March 2015.
- Director of the play: Coser y cantar by Dolores Prida. Proving Brevity. Sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures; University at Albany, SUNY. Albany, NY. November 2007.
Collaborations - “Flow.” Coming Home: A Hartford Collage. Sponsored by Cuatro Puntos. Hartford, CT. Feb. 21, 2021.
- “Warm Embrace.” Cross-Atlantic Quarantine Sessions. Sponsored by Cuatro Puntos. Hartford, CT. Apr. 25, 2020.
- Coordinator: “LLC’s Evening of the Arts.” Sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures; University at Albany, SUNY. Albany, NY. February 2015.
Featured Interviews PUBLIC INVITED TALKS - “Towards Healing: A Conversation on The Exhibit Invisible Suffering with Dr. Diana Aldrete.” Sponsored by Charter Oak Cultural Center. Hartford, CT. March 17, 2022.
- “The Effects of Immigration Policies on Women.” Moderator. Seminar Series: Gender/Sexuality Matters. Sponsored by Women’s and Gender Studies; Vanderbilt University. Nashville, TN. Nov. 6, 2018.
“Day of the Dead and Coco”.
- 16th Annual Spanish Language Film Festival. Sponsored by University of Saint Joseph. West Hartford, CT. Sept. 18, 2018.
CAMPUS AND DEPARTMENTAL TALKS - “Invisible Suffering.” Fall Series. Sponsored by the Trinity College Social Justice Initiative. Hartford, CT. Nov. 9, 2021.
- “The Experiences of Latinx Professors in Higher Education.” Café con Leche. Sponsored by La Voz Latina; Trinity College. Hartford, CT. Nov. 8, 2019.
- “Imagining Justice for Women of Feminicides.” Department of Language and Culture Studies Lecture Series. Trinity College. March 26 2019.
- “Women’s Bodies in the Global Community.” Sponsored by Promoting Healthy Awareness of the Body (PHAB) and Women and Gender Resource Action Center (WGRAC); Trinity College. Hartford, CT. Nov. 27, 2018.
- “Women in Juarez.” Café con Leche. Sponso
- “Independent Artist Fund” Recipient; Art project: Invisible Suffering, FreeCenter, 2021.
- Faculty Research Grant Recipient, Trinity College, 2019-2020.
- Faculty Fellow, Liberal Arts Action Lab. Community project: "Latinx Theater." Trinity College, 2019.
- Faculty Fellow, Center for Teaching and Learning. Pedagogical project: "Building Empathy in the Classroom Through Literature." Trinity College, 2018-2019.
- Graduate Student Fellowship, University at Albany, SUNY, 2006-2008.
- Graduate Student Fellowship, Marquette University, 2003-2005.
- Scholarship Recipient, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, 2003 and 2005.
- Scholarship Recipient, Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee (HPGM), 2004.