Ph.D., Harvard Univ.
B.A., Univ. de San Andres
Rosario Hubert works on the crossover of world literature, geography, and the visual arts. Her book Disoriented Disciplines. China, Latin America, and the Shape of World Literature (2023, Northwestern University Press, FlashPoints Series) is an invitation to think on the edges, surfaces, and turns of the literary artifact when it crosses cultural boundaries. The book was recipient of the ACLA Helen Tartar First book subvention award and was funded by fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Council of Learned Societies. She is currently working on new project about poetics of the inhospitable and polar modernity. As someone educated in the liberal arts model, she values the invitation to think critically beyond one's field of specialty, so whether teaching literature, creative writing or leading a tutorial, she presents concepts in terms of their social, political and linguistic significance. Her translations of Brazilian narrative (Clarice Lispector, Bernardo Carvalho, Nuno Ramos, Daniel Galera) and the more recent attempts into Chinese fiction (Eileen Chang) helped her develop an approach to world literature that sees linguistic diversity and translation as a fertile ground for comparison rather than a methodological obstacle. Before coming to Trinity, she taught Portuguese, Latin American Studies and Literature courses at Harvard University and Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina). She has published and presented talks on the works of Jorge Luis Borges, Octavio Paz and Louis Antoine de Bougainville, among others.
Latin American Literature (19th century - present)
Brazil and the Lusophone world
Travel Literature
Asia & Latin America
Antarctica (or the Art of Science)
Intermediate Spanish I
Creative Writing in Spanish
Advanced Grammar and Composition
Spanish for Heritage Students
Turbulent Tropics. Brazil and Portuguese Language
Latin American Culture II (Independence to Present Day)
Humanities on the Edge
Antarctica: Culture and Crisis
The Task of the Translator
Desert Fantasies
Asia & Latin America
Cultural geography
Disoriented Disciplines. China, Latin America, and the Shape of World Literature (Northwestern University Press, FlashPoints Series, forthcoming Dec. 2023).
- "Pañales rojos (o el archivo afectivo de una infancia revolucionaria)." Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World 9.3 (2020) 34-55.
- "Pastoral nikkei: diáspora y frontera en la fotografía de Haruo Ohara." Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 87 (2018) 179-202.
- "World Literature, Diplomacy and War. Henri Michaux at the first South American PEN Congress, 1936." Journal of World Literature 1.4 (2017) 35-46.
- "Translation and Diplomacy. In Bachner, Andrea, et al. Approaches between Asia and Latin America: A Critical Renga." Verge-Studies in Global Asias 3.2 (2017) 55-95.
- Sinology on the Edge: Borges’s Reviews of Chinese Literature (1937-1942). Variaciones Borges 39 (2015) 81-101.
- "Geographical Distance and Cultural Knowledge: Writing about China in Nineteenth-Century Latin America." 452oF. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada 13 (2015) 35-49.
- "Bougainville in the South Atlantic: the Ethnographic Encounter and the Journal of Navigation." Caderno de Letras 29 (2013) 182-203.
- "Primicias Antárticas. El rescate de Shackleton en la prensa porteña." In Martín Bergel and Martín Albornoz. Momentos globales en la prensa porteña. Buenos Aires: Univ. Nacional de Quilmes, 2023. (forthcoming)
- "Chinoiseries." In Fernando Degiovanni and Javier Uriarte (Eds.) Cambridge Transitions in Latin American Literature (1870-1930). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 135-147.
- "The Orient, the Rim, and the World." In Guillermina de Ferrari and Mariano Siskind (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Latin American Literary and Cultural Forms. London and New York: Routledge, 2022, 175-182.
- "The Diplomacy of Exoticism. Brazilian Accounts of the Global South." In Diana Sorensen (Ed) Territories and Trajectories: Cultures in Circulation. Durham NC: Duke University Press, 2018. 35-46.
- "Intellectual Cartographies of the Cold War: Argentinean Visitors to the People’s Republic of China 1952-1958." In Robert Tally (Ed.) Handbook of Literature and Space. London: Routledge, 2016. 337-348.
- "Rewriting Travel Literature: A Cosmopolitan Critique of Exoticism in Contemporary Latin American Fiction." In Ignacio López-Calvo (Ed.) Peripheral Transmodernities: South-South Intercultural Dialogues Between the Luso-Hispanic World and the Orient. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. 42-61.
- "Literatura y geopolítica. Las fugas de la poesía Tang." El ojo mocho 9 (December 2021) 146-149.
- "El go y el azar. Tras los pasos de Hilario Fernández Long." Chopsuey Magazine 2 (2020) 37-41.
- "An Artist of the Floating World." ReVista. Harvard Review of Latin America 18.1 (2018) 12-17.
- "La revolución en escena. El cine de Xie Jin." In Informe Escaleno (22 May 2016).
- "Memorias póstumas de Ernest Shackleton." In Informe Escaleno (22 November 2015).
- "Las geografi´as inestables de Jia Zhangke (o como habitar la China de hoy)." In Informe Escaleno (30 August 2015).
- "Cronistas de India (1927-1995): Paz, Neruda, Freyre y Corta´zar." Eterna Cadencia (18 June 2013).
- "Aprehender el placer de la escritura." Prologue to Un aprendizaje o el libro de los placeres, by Clarice Lispector Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 2011.
- "Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Beijing, Shanghai." In Sala Grumo (12 September 2010).
- "Pan-Brasil: Brasil en el proyecto americanista de María Rosa Oliver." In Sala Grumo (1 May 2010).
- "Las cartas de Asia." In El Interpretador - Literatura. arte y pensamiento. Buenos Aires (March-June 2005).
- "Mariano Siskind Rumo ao cosmopolitismo da perda. Ensaio sobre o fim do mundo (Edições; Rio de Janeiro, 2020)," in CHUY. Revista de estudios literarios latinoamericanos 10 (2021) 172-178.
- ACLA Helen Tartar First Book Subvention Award, 2023
- American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, 2017
- Technos Japan Tour Fellowship. (Technos College, Tokyo JP), 2016
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend Award, 2015
- Faculty Research Expense Grant, Trinity College, 2015
- Research Travel Grant, Harvard Department of Romance Languages, 2014
- Harvard Asia Center Graduate Summer Language Grant for Chinese Studies, 2013
- Term-Time Travel Grant, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2013
- Conference Travel Grant, Harvard Romance Languages, 2013
- Summer Research Grant, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies Smith Brazil- Portugal Fund, 2012
- Merit/Term-time Research Fellowship, Harvard Graduate Society, 2011
- Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Fellowship for Argentinean Students, 2011