Ph.D., Case Western Reserve Univ.
M.A., Case Western Reserve Univ.
B.A., Case Western Reserve Univ.
Tanetta Andersson’s scholarship focuses on the social and commercial determinants of health/illness, feminist, racial, and class politics of gender-based violence, and the medicalization-criminalization dichotomy of deviance, especially in mental illness.
Her work on gender inequalities appears in Critical Sociology (2023) and Women's Health Issues journals, along with several edited book chapters on deviance, stigma, and sociality of mental illness. Prof. Andersson's professional contributions to the discipline of sociology range from 2020 Program Committee Chair for the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society (SSS) to an invited panelist on 2024 American Sociological Association (ASA) recorded webinar addressing WikiEdu: Using Wikipedia in the Classroom and Building a More Informed Public. She is 2024 Faculty Excellence Teacher Scholar recipient for her archival investigation of global gender politics, colonial feminism, and international aid/development, which involves student researchers. Andersson's senior theses students' research has been funded through Student-Initiated Research Grants.
As a 2024-25 Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow, Prof. Andersson develops students' critical sociological thinking through writing-to-learn/engage skills, integrating knowledge and research from the Writing Across the Curriculum approach with theoretical frameworks and evidence specific to the discipline of sociology. "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn," best captures Andersson's teaching philosophy. For Andersson, the most successful days in the classroom are when students are engaged in active learning--so absorbed in a discussion, activity, or project--they don't realize that classtime is over! In addition, she emphasizes equity-based pedagogy in her teaching and mentoring. From 2018-2022, she served as faculty mentor for ten Trinity students from Chicago who received The Posse Foundation four-year scholarship (national merit-based leadership award) including a Fulbright award recipient. Through the Early College Program in partnership with Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA), she instructs and mentors several Hartford first-generation high school senior students in her classes.
Power and inequality in ideologies and material conditions
Global Gender Inequalities and coinciding social systems of race, class, and gender
Illness and social behavior; mental health politics
Microsociology and interactionism
Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence
Justice-focused pedagogy
Principles of Sociology
#MeToo: The Sociology of Sexual Violence, Coercion, and Victimization
Lights, Camera, Society!: Sociology Through Film
State, Minds, and Inequalities: Mental Health Politics
Global Gender Inequalities
The Individual and Society
Senior Seminar: Guided Research
Health, Illness, and Social Behavior; Repoliticizing Mental Health
Deviance, labelling theory, moral careers
Interlocking systems of sexism, racism, and capitalism
Critical politics of data; ethnography
Scholarship of teaching and learning in sociology; writing as a tool of thinking, writing pedagogy assessment
Sociology of Knowledge
- Andersson, T. “Gender.” In Investigating Social Problems, edited by A. Javier Trevino, 3rd Edition. Thousand Islands, CA: Sage Publications, 2021.
- Andersson, T. “Going ‘There’ and Being ‘There’: Notes on Discreditable Identity and Stigma in Peer Suicide Loss Research.” In Negotiating the Emotional Challenges of Conducting Deeply Personal Research, edited by A. C. Nowakowski and J. E. Sumerau. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (Taylor and Francis). 2017.
- Andersson, T. “Review of Behind the Shock Machine: The Untold Story of the Notorious Milgram Psychology Experiments, by G. Perry.” International Social Science Review 89, no. 1. 2014.
- Andersson, T. “‘Nobody Talks about Suicide, Except if They’re Kidding’: Disenfranchised and Re-enfranchised Grief in Peer Suicide Grievers and Their Coping Strategies.” In Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Suicide Research, edited by J. Cutcliffe, J. Santos, P. Links, J. Zaheer, H. Harder, F. Campbell, R. McCarmick, Y. Bergmans, & K. Harder, 332-341. New York: Routledge, 2014.
- Hinze, S., Lin, J., & Andersson, T. “Can We Capture the Intersections? Older Black Women, Education, and Health.” Women’s Health Issues 22, no. 1 (2012): 91-98.
- Andersson, T. “Gender and Suicide.” In Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, Vol. 2, edited by J. O’Brien, 816-818. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009.
- Musil, C., Warner, C., Stoller, E., & Andersson, T. “Women and Intergenerational Caregiving in Families: Structure, Ethnicity, and Building Family Ties.” In Successful Aging through the Life Span: Intergenerational Issues in Health, edited by M. L. Wykle, J. Whitehouse, & D. L. Morris, 143-159. New York: Springer, 2005.
- Settersten, Jr R, & Andersson, T. "Moving and Still: Neighborhood Effects, Human Development, and the Life Course." In Advances in Life-Course Research: New Frontiers in Socialization, edited by R.A. Settersten, Jr. and T. Owens, 197-227. London: Elsevier Science, 2002.
"WikiEdu: Using Wikipedia in the Classroom and Building a More Informed Public (with Helaine Blumenthal, Wiki Education; Sarah Hernandez, and Tracy Perkins). American Sociological Association, virtual webinar. September 12, 2024.
- "Beyond the Classroom: How Wikipedia can Play a Critical Role in Social Science Education." Equity and Accessibility Teaching and Learning roundtable. American Sociological Association, Montreal CA, August 11, 2024.
- Substance use, Disorder, and Treatment panel session, Presider. American Sociological Association, Montreal CA, August 13, 2024.
- "Teaching Beyond Binaries with Writing as a Tool of Thinking: Sociology through Film." Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 5, 2024.
- Teaching and Learning Symposium. Public Sociology Roundtable, Presider. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 17, 2023.
- "Whose Knowledge and for What? Counter-Hegemonic Feminist Sociology and Digital Activism Through Wikipedia Editing." Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting: Diasporic Womanisms and Indigenous Women's Movements of the Global South Mini Conference: Toward a Decolonial Pedagogy and Curriculum, Myrtle Beach, SC, March 30, 2023.
- "Whose Knowledge? Editing Wikipedia, Epistemic Questions, and Teaching U.S. and Global Gender Sociology Courses." Sociologists for Women in Society Annual Summer Meeting: Re-Thinking Feminist Sociology in the Era of Global Pandemics, Los Angeles, CA, August 7, 2022.
- "Editing Wikipedia: Sociology of Gender Students as Agents of Knowledge." Trinity College Digital Day, Hartford, CT, April 21, 2022.
- "Goffman, 'Institutional Psychiatry', and Decarceration: A Critical Archival Analysis of the American Association for the Abolition of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization (AAAIMH)." Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting,Birmingham, AL, April 7, 2022.
- "Critical Gender, Race, and Class Pedagogy." Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 11, 2019.
- "Thirteen (Misleading) Reasons Why: Stigma, Account-Making, and Moral Identity Work in Peers of Suicide Decedents." Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism, The Roots & Branches of Interpretive Sociology, Philadelphia, PA, August 10, 2018.
- "Bridges and Barriers: Assaults on Speech and Sexual Assault on Campus." Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6, 2018.
- "False Rape Reports and Courtroom Talk: A Research Methods and Theory Exercise." Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 7, 2018.
- "In the Heat of the ‘Moment’: Masculinity and Sexual Consent in Male College Students." Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC, April 1, 2017.
- With Alexander Gnassi '20. "Both 'Terrible' and 'Magnificent' Lessons: A Campus Sexual Assault Course Through Sociological Perspectives." Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, MA, March 12, 2016.
- “Behind from Top to Bottom: The Experiences of Women in the Academy.” Sociologists for Women in Society, Winter Meetings: Gender and Multi-Institutional Politics, Nashville, TN, February 8, 2014.
- Trinity College, Teacher Scholar Award in recognition of research excellence and a promising project, Faculty Excellence Awards 2024
- Trinity College, Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow, 2024-25, Writing as a Tool of Critical Sociological Thinking
- Trinity College Identity, Power, Equity Curricular Development Grant for SOCL 253 Mental Health Politics, 2024
Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellow Summer Funding, "Doing Qualitative Research Online," 19th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, University of North Carolina Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, 2022
- Trinity College Allan K. Smith Center for Writing &
Rhetoric Writing Fellow, 2021
- Trinity College Digital Scholarship Faculty Fellow & January-term course development grant, 2021
- Trinity College Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow, 2016-2017
Excellence in Teaching Award, Honor Roll, Central Connecticut State University, 2012-2013
- J. Bruce Jackson, M.D., Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring, Nomination, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, 2010
Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS)-South. National Student Liaison to SWS Winter Meetings in Santa Barbara, CA, 2010
- Baton Rouge Crisis Center Foundation, Dissertation Research Grant, 2009
- Carl F. Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Nomination. Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, 2007
- Graduate Dean’s Instructional Excellence Award, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, 2007
American Sociological Association (ASA) Carla B. Howery Teaching Enhancement Fund and Case Western Reserve University College of Arts and Sciences (with Brian Gran), "Visual Sociology for Rookies," 2004
Doctoral Student Research Fellowship, National Institute of Aging, Case Western Reserve University, 1999-2002