Ph.D., George Mason Univ.
M.A., George Mason Univ.
B.A., College of the Holy Cross
Edward Peter Stringham is the Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of of American Business and Economic Enterprise at Trinity College. Stringham is editor of the Journal of Private Enterprise and two books and is author of more than seventy five journal articles, book chapters, and policy studies. His work has been discussed on more than 100 broadcast stations, including CBS, CNBC, CNN, Headline News, NPR, and MTV. He has appeared on BBC World, Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox, Fox Business, TD Ameritrade Television, and Yahoo Finance Television and in 2016 Rise Global ranked Stringham as the 77th most influential economist. His book, Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life, is published by Oxford University Press.
Formal organizations and market behavior
Public choice
Economics of entrepreneurship
Alternative economic systems
Introduction to Formal Organizations and Private Governance
Formal Organizations and Market Behavior
Prototypes and Models of Formal Organizations
Exit, Voice and Power in Organizations
Leaderless and autonomous organizations
Theory and Philosophy of Markets
Behavior and the Design of Organizations
Private governance
The emergence of financial markets
The economics of regulation
Stringham, Edward. Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Stringham, Edward Peter. “It’s Not Me, It’s You: The Functioning of Wall Street During the 2008 Economic Downturn.” Public Choice 161, no. 3-4 (December 2014): 269-288.
Stringham, Edward Peter. “Extending the Analysis of Spontaneous Market Order to Governance.” Atlantic Economic Journal 42, no. 2 (June 2014): 171-180.
Means, Tom, and Edward Peter Stringham. “Unintended or Intended Consequences? The Effect of Below-Market Housing Mandates on Housing Markets in California.” Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 30, no. 1-3 (2012): 39-64.
Clark, J.R., Jennifer Miller, and Edward Peter Stringham. “Beyond Kelly Green Golf Shoes: Evaluating the Demand for Scholarship of Free-Market and Mainstream Economists.” The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 71, no. 5 (2012): 1169–1184.
Powell, Benjamin, and Edward Peter Stringham. “Radical Scholarship Taking on the Mainstream: Murray Rothbard’s Contribution.” Review of Austrian Economics 25, no. 4 (2012): 315-327.
Stringham, Edward Peter and Ivan Chen. “The Alternative of Private Regulation: The London Stock Exchange’s Alternative Investment Market as a Model.” Economic Affairs 32, no. 3 (2012): 37-43.
Stringham, Edward Peter and Caleb J. Miles. “Repelling states: Evidence from upland Southeast Asia” Review of Austrian Economics 25, no. 1 (2012): 17-33.
Stringham, Edward Peter and Todd J. Zywicki. “Hayekian Anarchism.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 78, no. 3 (May 2011): 290-301.
Stringham, Edward Peter and Todd J. Zywicki. “Rivalry and Superior Dispatch: An Analysis of Competing Courts in Medieval and Early Modern England.” Public Choice 147 (2011): 497-524.
Stringham, Edward Peter. “Embracing Morals in Economics: The Role of Internal Moral Constraints in a Market Economy.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 78, no. 1-2 (April 2011): 98-109.
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- Best Article Award, Foundation for Economic Education and the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, 2012
- Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, Fayetteville State University School of Business and Economics, 2011
- First Prize ($20,000) for PJTV “Generational Theft Contest,” Pajamas Media, 2009
- Templeton Culture of Enterprise Best Article Award ($25,000), Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2007
- Distinguished Young Scholar Award, Liberální Institut and Prague School of Economics, 2005
- Paper of the Year Award, Association of Private Enterprise Education, 2003
- Best Article Award, Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, 2003