D.M.A., Hartt School of Music
M.M., Hartt School of Music
B.M., Conserv. of Music, Puerto Rico
As a composer, Dan Román has developed a compositional style integrating elements of the folkloric music from the Caribbean, in particular that of his native Puerto Rico, with the mechanics of minimalism and the aesthetics of postmodern art. His music has been performed in Puerto Rico, South America, Spain, France, Austria, Italy, and throughout the United States, including performances in New York City. Dan Román has received commissions to write new pieces for the Alturas Duo, the New World Trio, The Irrelevants, the Connecticut Children’s Choir, the Hartford Commissions project, and others.
In recent years Dan Román has had the opportunity to teach courses in the music of the 20th century, post-colonial Latin America, and a brand new course in music technology which explores areas of electronic, MIDI, and computer music from both a practical and a theoretical approach.
Contemporary musical composition
Electronic/Electroacustic music
Latin American music history
Classical guitar
Use of technology in the classroom as an extension of music instruction.
Improvisation of art/concert music on both the classical guitar and the piano.
Creation of graphic art and design, in addition to the writing of poetry, to complement musical compositions.
Experimentation with new technology and interfaces for the interactive creation of music.
Use of server-side and scripting technologies (such as ASP and VBScript) for the creation of web applications, such as an experimental search engine with rudimentary grammar parsing, and a set theory calculator capable of comparing two pitch sets.
- Dan Román. The Alturas Duo. "El Gran Mambo." A Repeal of Reticence. BR149. 2004.
- Román, Dan. Set Calculator (an online tool for music set theory usage which calculates and compares two separate pitch sets, their prime forms and interval vectors), 2006.
- Román, Dan. "Twelve-Tone Technique: A Quick Reference." Musiké (the online journal of the Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico), 2008.
- First Prize at the Composition Competition of the Ateneo Puertorriqueño, 1999.
- Edward Diemente Honor Scholarship, The Hartt School, 1999.
- Medal to the Highest Musical Achievement, Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico, 1996.