Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota
Diplom, Ludwig Maximilians Universitat
Christoph Geiss is a geophysicist interested in the magnetic properties of natural materials. He is currently studying soils and lake sediments from the mid-western United States. At Trinity College Christoph is teaching courses in the Physics department and the Environmental Science program.
The Earth's Climate
Introduction to Earth Science
Earth Systems Science
New England in Winter
Field Study in Environmental Science
Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science
Internship in Environmental Science
Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism, and Waves
Rock-Magnetic Analyses of Sediments and Soils
Quaternary geology
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Machac, T.A., Zanner C.W. , and Geiss, C.E. "Time dependent IRM acquisition as a tool to quantify the abundance of ultra-fine superparamagnetic magnetite in loessic soils.", Geophysical Journal International, 167, p. 483-489, 2007
- Geiss, C.E. and Zanner C. W. "How abundant is pedogenic magnetite? Abundance and grain-size estimates for loessic soils based on rock-magnetic analyses.", Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B12S21, doi:10.1029/2006JB004564, 2006
- Geiss, C. E., and Zanner, C. W. "Sediment magnetic signature of climate in modern loessic soils from the Great Plains.", Quaternary International, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2006.10.035, 2006
- Guyodo, Y., T.M. LaPara, A.J. Anschutz, R.L. Penn, S.K. Banerjee, C.E. Geiss, and C.W. Zanner. "Rock Magnetic, Chemical and Bacterial Community Analysis of a Modern Soil From Nebraska." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 251, (2006):168-178.
- Umbanhowar, C.E. Jr., Camill, P., Geiss, C.E., Teed, R. "Asymmetric vegetation responses to mid-Holocene aridity at the prairie–forest ecotone in south-central Minnesota." Quaternary Research 66, (2006): 53-66.
- Geiss, C. E., Zanner, C. W., Banerjee, S. K., and Minott, J. "Signature of magnetic enhancement
in a loessic soil in Nebraska." Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 228, (2004): 355-367.
- Geiss, C. E., Banerjee, S. K., Camill, P., and Umbanhowar, C. E. "Sediment-magnetic Signature
of Land-use and Drought as Recorded in Lake Sediment from South-Central Minnesota, U.S.A." Quaternary Research 62, (2004): 117-125.
- Camill, P., C.E. Umbanhowar Jr., R. Teed., C.E. Geiss, L. Dvorak, J. Kenning, K. Walkup and J.
Aldinger. "Late Glacial and Holocene Climatic Effects on Fire and Vegetation Dynamics at the Prairie-Forest Ecotone in South-Central Minnesota." J. Ecology 91, (2003): 822-836.
- Geiss, C.E., S.K. Banerjee. A .Holocene. "Late Pleistocene Geomagnetic Inclination Record from
Grandfather Lake, SW Alaska." Geophys. J. Int.153,(2003): 497- 507.
- Geiss, C.E., C.E. Umbanhowar, P. Camill & S.K. Banerjee. "Sediment magnetic properties reveal
Holocene climate change along the Minnesota prairie-forest ecotone." J. Paleolimn 30, (2003): 151-166.
- Trinity College Trustee Award for Faculty Excellence, 2020
- Trinity College, Arthur H. Hughes Award for Teaching Achievement, 2007
- University of Minnesota, Visiting Scientist at Institute for Rock Magnetism (travel stipend and free use of laboratory), 2006
- Several research grants from Trinity College to support faculty research and undergraduate research assistants, 2005-2007
- University of Minnesota, Visiting Scientist at Institute for Rock Magnetism, 2004
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, grant for 20 radiocarbon analyses per year, 2004-2006
- Trinity College, support for two faculty research assistants, 2004 - 2005
- National Science Foundation EAR-MRI, Acquisition of equipment for rock-magnetism laboratory upgrade, 2003 - 2004