Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
M.Phil., Columbia Univ.
M.A., Columbia Univ.
B.A., Purchase College
Chloe Wheatley is an associate professor of English who received her Ph.D. from Columbia University and began in a tenure-track position at Trinity in 2002. Her courses include 200-level courses that introduce students to a wide range of literary works as well as upper-level and graduate courses that are more narrowly focused upon the poetry, drama, and prose of the English Renaissance. |
Travel Writing
Women writers
Survey of English Literature
Urban literature and culture
Food Writing
Writing About Food: Tastes, Traditions, and Contemporary Culinary Culture
Inventing English Literature
The Rom Com
Introduction to Literary Studies
17th Century Poetry
Early English Literature in the Watkinson
Shakespeare and Film
Senior Seminar: What You Should Have Read
Spenser and Milton
Early modern historiography
Genre studies
Print culture and history of the book
- Epic, Epitome, and the Early Modern Historical Imagination. Ashgate, 2011.
Journal Articles
- “Abridging the Antiquitee of Faery lond: New Paths Through Old Matter in The Faerie Queene.” Renaissance Quarterly 58 (2005): 857-880.
- “Trevelyon's Pictorial Commonplace and the Patterns of a Protestant Past.” Word & Image 18:2 (April-June, 2002): 173-185.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- “Glossing the Margins in Milton’s The Reason of Church-government.” In The Book in History, the Book as History: New Intersections of the Material Text. Ed. Heidi Brayman Hackel, Jesse M. Lander, and Zachary Lesser. New Haven: Beinecke Rare Books and Manuscript Library/Yale University Press, 2016, pp. 257-273.
- “Thomas Heywood and the Chronicling of Devotion.” New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, IV, Papers of the Renaissance English Text Society (2002-2006). Ed. Michael Denbo. Binghamton, N.Y: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 2008.
- “The Pocket Books of Early Modern History.” The Culture of Capital: Property, Cities, and Knowledge in Early Modern England Ed. Henry S. Turner. New York: Routledge, 2002, 183-202.
Selected Presentations
- “Binding the Bad Reader in Jonson’s Epigrams.” Roundtable discussion: “& ev’n wrongs / Sharpen their Muse”: Misreadings, Miswritings, and Mis-takings,” Northeast MLA Conference, Baltimore, March 2017.
- “Milton in the Rare Book Room.” Symposium on “The Futures of Historicism,” Yale University, October 2015.
- “‘I am confuted’: Zeal’s Conviction in Early Modern City Comedy,” Annual Conference: Shakespeare Association of America, Vancouver, April 2015.“Past Conquest in Michael Drayton's Quasi-Epic.” Conference on “History and Theory,” Purchase College, SUNY, November 2012.
- “Exiled Histories in Cowley’s Davideis.” Annual Conference: The Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles, March 2009.
- “Epic Epitome.” Annual Conference: The Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, April 2008.
- “To Alter the Complexion and Temper of the Commonwealth.” Conference on “Reconstructing Histories, 1550-1850,” Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Chicago, February 2007.
- “Controversy by Design: Using EEBO to Explore the Making of Early Modern Gender Debate.” Conference on “(de)materializing the early modern text,” Bath Spa University, Bath, England, September 2005.
- “Milton and the ‘Summe of Wisdome.’” Annual Conference: The Renaissance Society of America, New York, April 2004.
- Arthur H. Hughes Award for Teaching Achievement, 2008
- CTW Information Literacy Grant, Fall 2003