Ph.D., Univ. of Connecticut
M.S., Univ. of Connecticut
B.S., National Chiao-Tung Univ.
Professor Ning acquired a B.S. degree from Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in 1979, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Connecticut in 1983 and 1986, respectively, all in electrical engineering. He joined Trinity in 1986. He served as the campus director of NASA Connecticut Space Grant College Consortium from 1992-2005. He is the member of IEEE Signal Processing Society and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
Professor Ning has actively involved students in research projects and supervised many undergraduate publications and research projects that were awarded with NASA Undergraduate Fellowships. In class and laboratory, Professor Ning likes to engage students in discussion and challenge them with open-ended questions. He strongly believes in the value of well-rounded liberal arts education and its benefit to engineering discipline.
Engineering Computation
Linear Circuit Theory
Digital Signal Processing
Digital and Analog Communication
Automatic Control System
Embedded System Design
Senior Capstone Design
Linear and nonlinear modeling of time series
Spectral analysis of vibrations
Real-time digital signal and image processing
Embedded system design with field programmable gate array (FPGA)
Multi-channel analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG)
Respiration data analysis with autoregressive modeling
Classification of heart murmur
Trinity College Trustee Award for Faculty Excellence, 2021
PI - Lam Research Corp., Fremont, CA (2013-2016)
Compression of the Optical Emission Spectrum Images during Wafer Fabrication using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
Co-PI - Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Grant (2004-2008)
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
PI - Connecticut Space Grant, CT Space Grant College Consortium
Nonlinear Modeling and Spectral Analysis of Helicopter Vibrations Generated by Servo-Flap Rotor Blades
PI - NASA EPSCoR Grant, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD
Tracking the Moving Boundary of Streamed Images using Level Sets and Field Programmable Gate Array
PI - NASA EPSCoR Grant, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD
Mobile Vision System for Real-Time Remote Monitoring
PI - NASA EPSCoR Grant, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD
Real-Time Parallel Image Processing Design with FPGA for Remote Sensing
PI - NASA EPSCoR Grant, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD
On-Board Image Segmentation and Processing for Airborne Remote Sensing