Ph.D., Univ. of Connecticut
B.A., Univ. of Connecticut
Dario Del Puppo is Professor of Language and Culture Studies. Besides teaching all levels of Italian language, he teaches courses on Dante’s Divine Comedy, surveys of Italian literature from the Middle Ages to the present, Food in Italian History, Society, & Art, Italian Design and Culture in a Global Perspective, Empires of the Senses in World Literature, and Reading the Italian Landscape. He also co-teaches first year seminars on Food, Fitness, and the Journey to Self-Discovery and Cycling, Sustainability, and the City of Hartford.
His research deals with the manuscripts and early printed books of Medieval and Renaissance Italian literature and, more broadly, with popular and material culture in Italy during the 14th-16th centuries. More recently, he has written about food history and culture, literary representations of sensory experience, and Dante's Divine Comedy. He also has a longstanding research interest in the Romantic poet, Giacomo Leopardi. Prof. Del Puppo is also Chairman of the Barbieri Endowment for Italian Culture which organizes lectures, exhibits, and performances dealing with all facets of Italian culture. |
Sustainable Life
Elementary Italian I
Elementary Italian II
Intermediate Italian I: Conversation and Composition
Intermediate Italian II: Composition and Literature
Food in Italian History, Society, and Art
Senior Seminar: Topics in Italian Studies
Language, Culture & Meaning
Dante: The Divine Comedy
Italian Medieval and Renaissance Italian poetry and prose
Material Culture of Renaissance Italy
Manuscript and Book History
Giacomo Leopardi
Alimentary history and culture of Italy from the Middle Ages to the present
- Del Puppo, Dario. "Recasting Meaning for a Different Age: Medieval Texts in Renaissance Manuscripts." In Medieval Miscellanies: Authorship, Compilation, and Uses, Medieval Studies Institute, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. In press.
- Del Puppo, Dario. "When Did Cooking Become an Art?" forthcoming in a volume of essays on Italian culture in honor of Robert A. Pedemonti to be published by the Trinity College, Cesare Barbieri Endowment for Italian Culture (Fall 2012).
- Del Puppo, Dario. "The Limits of Allegory in Jacobus De Cessolis’ De ludo scaccorum." In Chess in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age, edited by Daniel E. O’Sullivan, 224-243. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012.
- Del Puppo, Dario. "All the World Is a Book: Italian Renaissance Printing in a Global Perspective." Textual Cultures 6, no. 2 (Autumn 2011): 1-22.
- Del Puppo, Dario. "Literary Imagination and Mercantile Pragmatism in Goro Dati’s Sfera." "Accessus ad Auctores": Studies in Honor of Christopher Kleinhenz, edited by Fabian Alfie and Andrea Dini, 325-350. Tempe, AZ: ACMRS, 2011.
- Del Puppo, Dario and Musumeci, Salvatore. "Predators of the Heart: Nobility, Eroticism, and Changing Food Practices in the Tale of Federigo degli Alberighi (Decameron V.9). In Table Talk: Perspectives on Food in Medieval Italian Literature, edited by Christiana Purdy Moudarres, 73-84. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.
- Del Puppo, Dario. "Shaping Interpretation: Scribal Practices and Book Formats in Three Descripti Manuscripts of Petrarch’s Vernacular Poems." Petrarch and the Textual Origins of Interpretation. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2007.
Recent Presentations:
- "Italian Food Culture of the 1970's: Quality vs. Quantity in the Age of Consumerism." Food Conference: Perugia, Umbra Institute, Perugia, Italy, June 8, 2012.
- "The Blood of the Vine: Francesco Redi’s Bacco in Toscana between Right Pleasure and the New Science." Society for Textual Scholarship, May 31-June 2, 2012.
- "Paradiso XXII". Lectura Dantis for Boston College, Lectura Dantis, November 29, 2011.
- "Food and Unification in Italy." Italian-American Folklore Association, October 15, 2011.
- "The Long View: Food History as a Guide to Present Practices." Symposium in honor of Prof. Francis Egan, Trinity College, Hartofrd, CT, May 16, 2011.
- "The Long View: Food History as a Guide to Present Practices." The Politics of Food Conference, Three Rivers Community College, Norwich, CT, May 6, 2011.
- "Books That Matter: Italian Literature and Nationhood", with four students (Dante Ambrogio, Michael Kozek, Andrew McNair, and Justin Pizzo) on the occasion of 150 of Italian Unification, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, April 20, 2011.
- "The Limits of Empathy in Two Italian Films: Gomorra and Primo Amore," (co-authored with Luca Del Puppo, AFI) New Italian Cinema Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, April 9, 2010.
- Lectura Dantis: Paradiso X, public lecture Boston College, March 29, 2010.
- Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s Il Gattopardo. The Sebastiano Ambrogio Foundation, Hartford, CT, February, 6, 2010.
- "Recasting Meaning for a Different Age: Medieval Texts in Renaissance Manuscripts." Conference on "Medieval Miscellanies: Authorship, Compilation, and Uses", Medieval Studies Institute, Charles University, Prague, Aug. 24-26, 2009.
- "Popular Science and Mercantile Pragmatism in a Renaissance Manuscript of Brunetto Latini’s Tresòr." Society for Textual Scholarship conference, New York University, New York, NY, March 19, 2009.
- "Predators of the Heart: Nobility, Eroticism, and Changing Food Practices in the Tale of Federigo degli Alberighi (Decameron V, ix). With Salvatore Musumeci (Sioux Falls University). Northeast Modern Languages Association, Boston, MA, March 6, 2009.
- Research and Publication Grant (Trinity College), 2006.
- Helms Visiting Fellowship (Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IA), 2002.
- CTW Mellon Consortium Grant for Foreign Language Computer-based Pedagogy, 1998.
- Villa I Tatti Fellowship (Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence, Italy),
- Arthur H. Hughes Award for Teaching Achievement, 1994.