Ph.D., Harvard Univ.
M.A., Harvard Univ.
B.A., Wellesley College
Jean Cadogan is probably happiest exploring the streets, churches and museums of Florence on an early summer morning. A specialist in Italian art of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, she seeks to understand how works of art were encountered and understood by denizens of the late medieval city, and how they were imagined and produced by artists and artisans. As a former museum curator, she is fascinated by the physical attributes of works of art—materials, technique, condition—as well as their social function as indicators of social behavior and cultural values. Her classes in Medieval and Renaissance art history encourage students to see works of art from many different perspectives, but especially she advocates encountering them “in the flesh,” in museums or wherever they may be.
Introduction to the History of Art in the West II
Medieval Art and Architecture
Early Renaissance Art in Italy
High Renaissance Art in Italy
Patrons, Artists and the Art Market in the Italian Renaissance
Late medieval and early Renaissance Italian art
History of graphic arts
History of painting technique
- Cadogan, Jean. Wall Painting, Civic Ceremony and Sacred Space in Early Renaissance Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
- Cadogan, Jean. Domenico Ghirlandaio: An Elite Artisan and his World. London: Reaktion Books, forthcoming.
- Cadogan, Jean. Domenico Ghirlandaio, Artist and Artisan. London: Yale University Press, 2001.
- Cadogan, Jean. Domenico Ghirlandaio: Artiste et Artisan, trans. Lise-Éliane Pomier. Paris: Flammarion, 2002.
- Cadogan, Jean. Wadsworth Atheneum Paintings II: Italy and Spain, Fourteenth through Nineteenth Centuries. (editor and principal author, with Michael R. T. Mahoney, George Kubler, and Craig Felton). Hartford: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1991.
- Cadogan, Jean. Maestri Toscani del Quattrocento, “Biblioteca di Disegni,” volume XVII. Florence: Fratelli Alinari, 1980.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
- Cadogan, Jean, “Piero and Ghirlandaio: Drawing the Figure.” In Piero di Cosimo: Painter of Faith and Fable, eds. Michael Kwakkelstein and Dennis Geronimus. Leiden/Boston: Brill, Istituto Universitario Olandese di Storia dell’Arte, 2019, pp. 237-58.
- Cadogan, Jean. “Benozzo Gozzoli, Filippo de' Medici and the Old Testament Murals in the Campo Santo in Pisa (1468-1484),” Predella, nos. 13-14, 2016 [2018]: 217-29.
- Cadogan, Jean. “An ‘Huomo di Chonto’: Reconsidering the Social Status of Domenico Ghirlandaio and his Family." Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, LXXVII (2014): 27-46.
- Cadogan, Jean. “Agnolo Gaddi’s Career and the Opera del Duomo in Florence” in Agnolo Gaddi e la Cappella Maggiore di Santa Croce a Firenze: Studi in occasione del restauro, edited by Cecilia Frosinini, Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2014, 55-71.
- Cadogan, Jean. “From Relief to Mimesis: Drawing the Human Figure from Life and from Antique Sculpture in the Renaissance.” In From Pattern to Nature in Italian Renaissance Drawing: Pisanello to Leonardo, edited by Michael Kwakkelstein and Lorenza Melli, Florence: Istituto Universitario Olandese di Storia dell’Arte, 2012, 195-213.
Cadogan, Jean. "The Social Identity of Agnolo Gaddi and his Family: A Florentine 'Success Story.'" Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, LXXIV (2011): 153-76.
- Cadogan, Jean. “Osservazioni sulla tecnica di del Ghirlandaio.” In Materiali e techniche nella pittura murale del quattrocento; Atti del Convegno Internazionale Sapienza Università di Roma, 20-22 Febbraio 2002, 2 vols., edited by Barbara Fabjan, et al., vol. I: 361-364. Rome: ENEA, 2010.
- Cadogan, Jean. “The Chapel of the Holy Belt in Prato: Piety and Politics in Fourteenth Century Tuscany.” Artibus et Historiae, LX (2009): 107-138.
- Cadogan, Jean. “Notes on a Drawing by Pesellino.” Burlington Magazine, CXLIX (2007): 767-71.
- Cadogan, Jean. “The Lifar Collection in the Wadsworth Atheneum.” In The Art of Ballets Russes: The Serge Lifar Collection of Theater Designs, Costumes, and Paintings at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, edited by Alexander Schouvaloff, 12-17. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.
- Cadogan, Jean. “Sulla bottega di Domenico Ghirlandaio." In Domenico Ghirlandaio 1449-1494; Atti del convegno internazionale, 89-96. Florence: Centro Di, 1996.
- Cadogan, Jean. "Domenico Ghirlandaio in Santa Maria Novella: Invention and Execution." In Florentine Drawing at the Time of Lorenzo the Magnificent, edited by Elizabeth Cropper, Villa Spelman Colloquia, IV, 63-72. Bologna: Nuova Alfa, 1994.
- Cadogan, Jean. “Michelangelo in the Workshop of Domenico Ghirlandaio.” Burlington Magazine, CXXXV (1993): 30-31.
- Cadogan, Jean. "Drawings for Frescoes: Ghirlandaio's Technique.” In Drawings Defined, edited by W. Strauss and T. Felker, preface and commentary by K. Oberhuber, 63-75. New York: Abaris Books, 1987.
Cadogan, Jean. “Observations on Ghirlandaio's Method of Composition.” Master Drawings XXII, no. 2 (1984): 159-172.
- Cadogan, Jean. "Linen Drapery Studies by Verrocchio, Leonardo and Ghirlandaio." Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte XLVI (1983): 27-62.
- Cadogan, Jean. "Verrocchio's Drawings Reconsidered.” Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte XLVI (1983): 367-400.
- Cadogan, Jean. "Reconsidering Some Aspects of Ghirlandaio's Drawings.” The Art Bulletin LXV (1983): 274-290.
- National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowship for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, 2000
- National Endowment for the Arts, Fellowship for Museum Professionals, 1991
- J. Paul Getty Museum Visiting Scholar, Spring 1986