Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
M.A., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
B.A., Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania
Dan Mrozowski studied 20th-century American literature, with an emphasis on Cold War fiction, as an undergraduate at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. While pursuing this interest as a graduate student at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, he found a passion for the methods of American Studies and literary history. This passion led him to a concentration on 19th-century American literature and its intersection with business history. His teaching practices are informed by a sensitivity to writing as a purposeful, formal discourse engaged with the ideas and genres of specific historical contexts. Through the close scrutiny of the formal choices writers make in those contexts, he hopes that students might gain fluency in American literature, while also producing lucid arguments and connecting that literature to their own lives. At the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, he taught the American literature survey sequence, 20th-century American poetry, literature and public life, and courses in literary theory. He is currently working on a book manuscript on the rise of the corporation and its influence on American fiction during the Gilded Age.
19th- and 20th-century American Literature
Business history
Genre Studies
American Realism and Naturalism
Literary Theory
This American Experiment, Part 2
Horror in Film & Fiction: The Uncanny Art of Contemporary Terror
The Art of Horror: Fear in Film and Literature
Race and Realism: African American Literature Before the Harlem Renaissance
Introduction to Literary Theory
American Literary Modernism and the Great War
Mark Twain and the Making of America
Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson
American Literary Modernism and the Great War
Mark Twain and the Making of America
Tough Guys & Bad Girls: 20th Century American Crime Fiction
Gilded Age literature
The history of American business
American literary naturalism
World War I American literature
Depictions of 19th-century labor violence
- Mrozowski, Daniel J. “How To Kill A Corporation: Naturalism and the Embodiment of American Big Business.” The Image of the Hero in Literature, Media, and Society, Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado State University, March 2010.
- Mrozowski, Daniel J. “The Politics of Eating Well: Upton Sinclair and the Modern Diet.” The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, University of Louisville, February 2010.
- Mrozowski, Daniel J. “A Mouth that Might Scream: American Fiction and the Fantasies of Corporate Public Relations in the Early 20th Century.” 2009 Space Between Conference, University of Notre Dame. June 2009.
- Mrozowski, Daniel J. “Corporate Immortality: Representations of Economic Eternals in Twentieth-Century American Literature.” The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, University of Louisville, February 2009.
- Mrozowski, Daniel J. “The Feminization of American Corporations: Widowed & Orphaned Stockholders in the Cultural Imagination of Business.” Enow Series, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, October 2007.
- Arthur H. Hughes Award for Teaching Achievement, 2015.
- Outstanding Lecturer Award, English Undergraduate Studies, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2008.
- Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of English, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2007.
- David and Linda Moscow Prize for Excellence in Teaching English Composition, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2005.
- Outstanding Teaching Award, Office of Greek Life, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2005.