Kenneth A. Kousen
Visiting Professor of the Practice in Computer Science and Associate Director for STEM Initiatives in the Entrepreneurship Center
Phone: (860) 297-2517 Office Location: MECC 175
Send e-mail to Kenneth A. Kousen Personal web page
Trinity College faculty member since 1999 View office hours for Fall 2024
General ProfileTeachingResearchPublications/PresentationsHonors/Awards
Ph.D., Princeton Univ.
M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
M.A., Princeton Univ.
B.S., Mass. Institute of Technology
B.S., Mass. Institute of Technology

Ken Kousen is an author, speaker, and software developer. He is a Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, a Grails Rock Star, and a Devnexus Rock Star. He is the author of the Pragmatic Library books “Mockito Made Clear” and  “Help Your Boss Help You,” the O'Reilly books “Kotlin Cookbook,” “Modern Java Recipes,” and “Gradle Recipes for Android,” and the Manning book “Making Java Groovy.” He also has recorded over a dozen video courses for the O'Reilly Learning Platform, covering topics related to Android, Spring, Java, Groovy, Grails, and Gradle. He runs a YouTube channel called Tales from the jar side, and a companion newsletter of the same name.

His academic background includes BS degrees in both Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics from M.I.T., an MA and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Princeton, and an MS in Computer Science from R.P.I. He is currently President of Kousen IT, Inc., based in Connecticut.