Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts
M.A., Univ. of Wisconsin
B.S., Univ. of Wisconsin
Her research interests in Francophone African Literature and cinema have resulted in many articles and lectures on the subject. She is the author of three books: Camara Laye (Boston: GK Hall Publishers, Twayne’s Series, 1983), Les romancières du continent noir (Paris: Hatier, 1994), and Essais et documentaires des Africaines francophones: un autre regard sur l’afrique (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2015).
In her thirty five years at Trinity she taught and created many courses in French and in English on French and African literature and cinema. In 1999 she created The April in Paris French Film Festival which she directed until her retirement in 2009.
Women’s essays written in French in North and Western Africa
Scholarly Books:
Lee, Sonia M. Camara Laye, Boston G.K. Hall Publishers, Twayne’s Series, 1983.
Lee, Sonia M. Les Romancières du continent noir. Paris, Hatier, 1994.