Jean-Marc Kehres
Associate Professor of Language and Culture Studies, Emeritus
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Trinity College faculty member since 2004
General ProfileTeachingResearchPublications/Presentations
Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania
M.A., Univ. of New Mexico
Maîtrise ès lettres, Univ. of Paris II
Licence ès lettres, Univ. of Paris II

Jean-Marc Kehrès (Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania) specializes in 18th-century literature. He has taught at the University of Oklahoma and Princeton University. His publications include articles on Marivaux, the Encyclopédie, the press during the French Revolution and Sade. He is the author of Sade et la rhétorique de l'exemplarité (Editions Champion, 2001). He is currently working on a book project on the representation of epistolarity in the press of the Ancien Régime. At Trinity, Jean-Marc Kehrès has taught courses on the Enlightenment and the representation of the 18th century in Films.